I hate to say it, but Jurassic Park in Islands of Adventure has honestly lost a lot of its luster over the years. The main problem is that there really isn't much immersion in it anymore, thanks to both Kong and Potter being awkwardly jammed in each ends of the area. In the early days of IOA, going into JP felt like actually being on a remote island somewhere, an aspect that's been lost due to all the new additions. For pete's sake, they literally tore down one of the iconic JP gates down, in the name of Kong.
If Jurassic World ends up really happening at the new park, I don't think I'd be totally against them taking JP and retheming/reskinning it all to become King Kong/Skull Island themed. As it currently stands, Skull Island: Region of Kong feels really tacked on, as a weird standalone attraction in a park where all the other lands are fleshed out with their mulitude of attractions and stores. Converting JP into a full fledged Skull Island area could help make ROK feel more naturally integrated in the park's design.