Franceschi saying "across the ride floor" suggests the 14 does not count the pre-shows, which is strange, but when doing the maths there's no way to make it work that there are 14 figures total, after watching the AA reveal video with 2 Wolfmen in view, the Victoria and Creature preshow AAs, and the triple on-ride Victorias, Creatures, and Dracs, plus other characters. It has to be 14 on-ride, plus 2 off-ride.
So, this means that after the first pre-show Kuka arm, and the second pre-show projection-mapped Victoria and Creature, we have 14 on-ride AAs to pin-down. IMO, they are 1 Ygor, 3 Victoria, 3 Frankenstein, 3 Dracula, 1 Gillman (seen in AA reveal video months ago), 2 Wolfmen (seemingly both were in the reveal video too), and finally one Mummy (this last one is pure guesswork). The Hunchback has to be static based on how it's attached to the swinging bell, the Phantom is likely static as it's only moving parts if it had any would be its fingers as it played its piano, which we wouldn't notice as we sped past the fiery organ at high speed, and the Brides are likely mannequins due to how many there must be. We know some of these characters will also get additional appearances via screen media, so that's cool."