I honestly don't know how to approach this, and this may be the wrong way about handling it - but it needs to be said and hopefully we can iron the kinks out.
In recent months, I've seen debates get heated; where some responses get a little too venomous - and certain groups have established lines in the sand where it's always the same people trying to zing each other. In addition, I've received several complaints about negativity becoming a little more prevalent; especially as of late.
So in a way to sort of kumbaya this, please air out any grievances you've had with this forum or members, or even me, and we will try to see if we can find a common ground to make sure this forum doesn't evolve into a
show and bring it back to the original point of the forum - discussions without having to feel intimidated or unwelcome in their searches.
Let's try to be honest, but respectful as well.