Immigration Tour Report:
Asked about the Immigration Tour yesterday morning and was told they run 11-5, so we rode again after lunch and asked an attendant at unload, and were directed up to child swap and told it would be about 10-15 minutes, but in about 5 minutes, Adam came up and started our tour. After exploring a bit, I had mentioned it was our first time doing the tour, and he decided we needed more training, so he back-doored us onto the ride and rode with us, giving us tips and such. When my mom mentioned that she wanted a picture of all of us, Adam said that we could get one on the ride, and took us to get a free digital download of our photo after unload.
Needless to say, it was a highlight of our trip. Adam was an awesome guide and my family felt
very special. And as the one who surprised everyone with the tour, I was in pretty good standing for the rest of the day.