That's always been the most likely scenario, and probably still is. But if you go with that, and
@JungleSkip's no FB at the South resort thought, that means no Butterbeer anywhere down there. They could still do an HP shop to get the merch there I'd assume. But no Butterbeer is leaving a lot of money on the table. That's all I'm really looking at. They know Potter fans spend the money. What can they do to get them down there and add days to their trips and make additional trips? It comes down to if Uni thinks that what they are already doing down there is enough. They've already, apparently, killed the Nintendo to Kidzone idea to get more into the new parks. Is that enough, or do they put the cash cow there too? I'd love to be able to know what discussions they've had over all of this some day. It's fascinating when you really think about it.