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SeaWorld vs Activists

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Before anything, I understand everyone may have different view points on the matter... so please be civil.

SeaWorld has released a video of John Hargrove, author of a new book supporting Blackfish's claims, showing him using some racial terms. This is following a recent trend of odd tactics used by SeaWorld to "fight back" against activists.


Right, wrong, thoughts?
The video is completely pointless, and I have no idea what anyone was thinking in why this should be filmed, released, occurred.

I still stand by SeaWorld when it comes to the Blackfish debate, but if they did release this they really shouldn't have. They should completely have the upper hand in the debate, but for some reason can't figure out where they left it.
My thoughts. Blackfish position claims are exaggerated. Yes, there's some problems concerning animal captivity, but the treatment is not as severe as they claim. So I don't pay much attention to their radical claims. Concerning Sea World, I think they should be spending more of their time and money improving the park experience in all of their parks. When they do this kind of ad stuff it just keeps the Blackfish activist musings center stage. I think they (Sea World) are doing the Blackfish attacks to divert attention away from the real reason for attendance drops at their parks, including the non Sea World parks, which is really bad management. Blackstone (how ironic the names are so similar) sucked the profits out of the parks, cut entertainment & employees and didn't put much back in. A deteriorating park experience doesn't translate into attendance gains. It seems the new CEO they hired is capable, but if they don't spend money on good new attractions, maintainance, food upgrades, and a return of all the entertainment they previously cut in all their parks, they'll continue to slide.
I'm admittedly naive to this debate, but have heard of Blackfish. To those on the side of SeaWorld, what are you using to support your arguments or beliefs? No snark, just curious. I like to hear both sides of the argument, but since Blackfish received so much publicity, I've heard one side.

That said, releasing this video is very transparent and desperate. I'm not defending Hargrove's language. However, he had boots on the ground at SeaWorld and saw things the public does not. SeaWorld is clearly trying to undermine his credibility. A video of him using a few choice words does not do that. His judgment and character? Perhaps, but not his credibility.
That video is of John Hargrove playing a prank on some woman using a fake southern accent and and spewing big bad words that he thinks southern country racist bumpkins would use. He is only acting the part for the prank and doesn't mean a word of it.

Seaworld is really shooting a pathetic blank here.
That video is of John Hargrove playing a prank on some woman using a fake southern accent and and spewing big bad words that he thinks southern country racist bumpkins would use. He is only acting the part for the prank and doesn't mean a word of it.

Seaworld is really shooting a pathetic blank here.

This. Cannot agree more.
Is Sea World really desperate enough to try and smear someone like this?...makes me question Sea World's honesty through this whole thing
When their entire company has been smeared for the last four years?

This man lost his credibility with me. I dont care if thats a joke or not. That is foul language.
Someone(s) at SeaWorld need to be pulled back from the PR and marketing depts. to let their heads cool off. Yes, they have been the subject of some very questionable "activists" push to pretty much kill the company (don't be fooled, even if SW ended their Orca programs they'd just pick right back up on some other issue the moment the announcement is made, they won't be happy until SW is gone completely), the most public being Blackfish. However, what I've been seeing lately is just...cringe-inducing. Take the high road and let your animal and rescue programs do the majority of the talking. If they must address the activists directly, do it like this: "SeaWorld is able to fund and operate its rescue and research programs due in part to income from the parks. Would the activists have the resources, or even be willing, to fill that financial and operational vacancy without SeaWorld?" There are similar questions they could direct at the activists that both answer a question and redirect the burden to them and away from SeaWorld about Orcas in captivity, etc.

Taking the low road, as seen above and on Twitter, is a great way to lose the message in the noise.
Is SeaWorld's PR Department being run by 12 year olds? Seriously, first they use silly troll gifs and now this?

Come on SeaWorld grow up and get your sh*t together. Get better PR and Marketing (I'm so sick of seeing SeaWorld Cares, we know you care and we aprreciate it, now advertise how awesome your parks are) and build some new attractions at your parks (Not renewing my SD pass this year, because there is literally nothing new).

Was what Hargrove said awful? Of course (doesn't matter if he's drunk), but what SeaWorld did was childish and I have a bad feeling that it will eventually backfire on them.
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If SeaWorld actually released this video, which you claim they did (Not saying your wrong at all Bri), then SeaWorld has stooped to a new low. Just in the past few days, I thought they were starting up a public relations campaign along the lines of "ask SeaWorld your questions and we'll answer" type of thing. But when they do something like this it really undermines their credibility and it undermines Hargrove's credibility by his actions in the video. I've usually supported SeaWorld through this entire dilemma, but when they pull a stunt like this, it makes me want to stay off both sides.
I participated in a behind the scenes tour of SeaWorld in Orlando on the 26th of February and one of the first things our tour guide had said was along the lines of "here at SeaWorld, we don't hide anything or try to cover up anything" and I said to my friend when they say it like that, it does make them seem guilty. Just my opinion. In the end, the well-being of those animals should be the #1 priority for SeaWorld, no matter what happens.
According to several news sites (like Orlando Sentinel), it was SeaWorld who released the video as a Press Release.
Wow... Just wow. They've got to realize how transparent this is, I mean honesty. This is weak and it's seriously a terrible way of handling the situation. Makes it feel like they've got to be on the defensive. The best way they could handle this would be to continue their whole honesty campaign and as Mike said, if you simply must address them, go on the offensive and ask them how they'd fill the void. It's sad to see this company going this way, it really is.
They need to invest a lot less in this Blackfish recovery marketing and a lot more into their parks. No amount of stuff SeaWorld puts out there is going to change people's minds--if they buy in to the Blackfish hype, they won't just suddenly love SeaWorld because of some marketing (which, as evident by this video, is becoming pathetic and unprofessional). They need to stop drawing attention to the issue and just make their parks the best places possible. If you can'f get activists in your park, might as well go for the theme park fans.
Is SeaWorld's PR Department being run by 12 year olds? Seriously, first they use silly troll gifs and now this?

Come on SeaWorld grow up and get your sh*t together. Get better PR and Marketing (I'm so sick of seeing SeaWorld Cares, we know you care and we aprreciate it, now advertise how awesome your parks are) and build some new attractions at your parks (Not renewing my SD pass this year, because there is literally nothing new).

Was what Hargrove said awful? Of course (doesn't matter if he's drunk), but what SeaWorld did was childish and I have a bad feeling that it will eventually backfire on them.

Seriously everything I was gonna say on the matter. This company is just pathetic in pretty much every way possible to the point where it's absolutely hilarious. Keep at it SW it's entertaining the hell out of me