Keep in mind that this was originally on the UOR section; although I think it may actually be the best move to have two separate threads because both could have changes externally as opposed to internally the building.
That being said, maybe it would of been a better idea for when it's announced in the near future to create this thread as opposed to now? In any case, box office shouldn't be any factor at this point, as it has made quadruple the times of the film's budget so-far (and keep in mind, that may not be taking account into the marketing of the film, but it should of past that by now too).
It's been greenlit for USH, the question is whether or not Orlando is greenlit sooner so they can strike while the irons hot, albeit much more faster than Frozen (Even though they did launch a mini-show at first; it didn't exactly capitalize on the IP). Another thing to note is whether or not we may see additional features added but I think we'll find out soon enough, if we get more of it from other insiders that have had rather good background knowledge.
As for who to follow for the time being, check on how the project goes for USH as we'll probably get a good outline of what the shape could be for Orlando's ride building; but who knows even then. As for who to get information out of, Inside Universal; Parkscope; Orlando Informer and here on Orlando United, we should be getting more hopefully soon as the film has became a success financially.
Something I do want to note; is that even as I did bring some very solid facts to the post, it is all subjective to opinion. I may be right or I may be wrong, so you may as well take the posts as you may. To be honest; if everything sounds true about SLoP, I won't complain about the screenz issue that USH has had.