I'm not debating whether or not it's awful; I don't have any strong feelings about this attraction one way or the other.
I'm saying -- yes, the Orlando attraction is lame, but what does that have to do with the L.A. version? You're kind of echoing my point. The vitriol for L.A.'s version is just runoff from how much people hate the Orlando one. Nobody has posted in this thread for nearly 10 years, until this announcement was made. If people truly hated it this entire time, I think we would have seen more "vitriolic" posts here, no? You could say "well people weren't posting because they hated it," but given how much people post about hating the Orlando version, you'd think we woulda seen the same thing here.
It's a total case of monkey see, monkey do, and I just found it funny. That's all.
Love when the GSAT line comes up! The ultimate trump card.