Oh they are definitely not immune to criticism. Just some people need to see the forest for the trees in some cases. In the grand scheme of things, Comcast/Universal is still relatively young, especially since they started going all-in in 2010 after Potter. Growing pains and such.
We all know they don’t sit around the table and think “so how can we really piss off our fans”.
Every resort peaks and valleys. Just for comparisons sake, Disney - from 2000-2010 - added several rides that are considered bad (Stitch, Imagination redo), or dealt with bad press (Mission:Space). The only thing that eventually motivated them to finally get their butts moving was the success of Potterland 1 & 2.
Regardless, the Resort has seen an unprecented growth in the past 8 years. There was a time fans were happy enough that the High in the Sky trolley was announced just because it was something...