I saw it for the first time last week and ended up seeing it three times since it was the perfect length of time to kill before stay and scream. It worked fine the first show, but the next couple of days there were issues with the RFID props moving slightly wrong or something. Each show only had one issue and the stage manager came out to tell us facts about the ride. The manager the second time was very clearly a real person with flop-sweaty delivery. The lady we had for the first problematic show was super polished, so it was a funny juxtaposition. We figured there would be an issue for one of the shows because a gazebo thing in the rooftop scene came out pre-exploded, before being hit by the rpg. I didn't mind the breaks in the show and liked that they tried to add some behind the scenes info to fill the time. I've also been mostly in my house and hard-up for entertainment for about two years, so that could have been a factor in my enjoyment as well. Probably I'd have liked the show no matter what though. I thought Bourne was a pretty lame idea at the time is was announced, but they made it work. I wish it had been Terminator related, but I think they did a great job overall.