IOA and USF have shifted time and time again as "who's the best park". Right now IOA has gotten several kick-ass additions in the past half-decade that I think totally make it the best UOR park. But I don't think USF has any foundational problems or issues, just nit-picks and some "I don't prefer this" situations.
What I interpret is a lot of is USF isn't "nostalgic" enough. This thought then manifests in other ways, like how there are too many screens or such. Instead, I think there's a bigger core issue at play: 30+-year-olds realizing the media they consumed when they were younger is no longer primary pop culture and are trying to work through these feelings publicly.
Here are some fun facts with USF's opening in 1991:
- BTTF was six years old (BTTF 3 was a year old)
- Ghostbusters 1 was seven years old, 2 was two years old
- Murder She Wrote was seven and ran for another five years
- King Kong was based on the 15-year-old 1976 movie not the "classic" movie
- Jaws was 16 years old
- Earthquake was 17 and no one thought it was a classic
What we consider "classics" here are NOW classics, but at the time of park open were still fresh and full of doubt. Hell, Hogsmeade opened 9 years after the first movie putting it in the middle of the age range of attractions and assholes still thought Potter was a fad! I think these properties could be featured in the parks but the parks have to move on to new classics. They must move on and keep moving, but mistakes will be made.
Is there a central crisis for USF or is it...
F&F is a failure of yes men and before the pandemic hit was on the road to a re-do, Fallon is very popular with guests but in my mind it's fine, Bourne is a hit. There are many parks that wish they got this level of attention and investment the past five years. That being said there are still issues just like there are issues in all the parks: KidZone, a MiB that needs a proper refurb, and the Simpsons Ride. But it's still a damn good park and can hold its own against DHS which has rocketed up my WDW favorite list.
I keep coming back to what
@Legacy said about HHN a few weeks ago and earlier in this thread: if this isn't hitting your fancy anymore that's ok but it's not necessarily the issue of the park/event. The park has been operating on its main MO the whole time: rides based on modern properties. That'll refelct in ways people want the rides to be at the time of development.