It's been mentioned before in other threads she's never been exactly hot about DC and only signed off on DC staying initially due to the fact that Universal was pretty much broke and could only afford to retheme Merlin Woods and add FJ
plus, it's obvious even to non-theme park buffs the DC track breaks the immersion of Hogsmeade and its queue (its saving grace) had been ruined during the Potter re-theme. Plus, they don't duel anymore, so their two best features are now gone.
Now that Universal Creative has a significantly larger amount of money to work with, I could see Rowling inquiring about replacing DC with something as immersive as FJ, Gringotts, HE or Ollivanders.
Surely not a lock, but I'd rather see a Forbidden Forest expansion where DC is than Ministry of Magic or Fantastic Beasts. Then LC can be spared (probably not