Exactly. But a Jack the Clown overlay of The Simpsons Ride would be awesome!

And, it’s unfair that Icons aren’t used as much. When I was younger I was like, “This looks so cool, I’ll get to experience this when I’m an adult”. Of course, that didn’t really happen. I’m sorry, but KKfoS was the worst aspect of an event that wasn’t scary enough (talking about HHN 29). I would like to see PROGRESS, adding in new content while respecting the past to make scares timeless, like Jack the Clown, Chance, The Caretaker, The Storyteller, etc. Without new icons and original content it feels like a lack of imagination. And Brainpower never runs out, so there’s no such thing or excuse as “ran out of ideas”.
I would to see an icon called “The Programmer”, who creates a simulation of hell that transcends to the real world

Perhaps that could go well with a video game themed park/Nintendo
Would anyone like a Jack the Clown movie?