Dr Who sounds like the worse idea ever. Granted, other than a couple episodes I watched like 20 years ago when I was home sick from school with nothing else on, and then a couple episodes of each of the more recent seasons trying to see what all the fuss is about, I haven't watched it. But it's the kind of IP that would make me think twice about even going if I were someone who didn't go every year regardless of houses.
It's like the equivalent of a Star Trek or Star Wars house in my mind, just a lot less popular in the US though huge overseas. It doesn't fit the event at all. Even less than Doomsday. At least that had some post apocalyptic vibe to it. I know they've had Wizard of Oz and Fairytale zones twisted to fit the event, but Dr Who just sounds horrible.
And having a time traveling phone booth when the wounds of losing Bill and Ted are just starting to scab over and the year of a long awaited sequel is released is so wrong.