That’s still purchasing the IP.
She’s a Universal Music Group artist. It’s a lot cheaper.
So I went back and looked at
@Legacy clue #4 again. The band The Sane Abandoned play in Chicago. While Candyman and Chucky were brought up I looked for a new option. I looked up “Chicago horror” and found this. What about Poltergeist 3.(I know it skipping Poltergeist 2)
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Regarding this clue, and all of them really:
I previously tried to explain how I determine these clues, saying I start with the solution and therefore going the opposite direction as you. Thinking back on it, this was still an inelegant way to explain it. So, I‘m going to rephrase a bit.
I start with the rumor (the answer). That’s actually a change from previous years (where I started with a theme for the clues), and makes the clues purposefully more difficult. But remembering that I start with the rumor is important because it means I know relevant information about the answer—such as associated locations, dates, story, and context. Those four things are what look for to find the right clue.
But what does that mean? I’ve reiterated the “date and location” aspect of house-related clues, because those are two things I immediately look for. The reason is because it combines a narrow facet and a very broad facet.
Locations are easy. It’s where the story takes place or where it was filmed. The “date” though, oh boy. It can be the year a story took place, the day a movie was released, a quote (like the Doctor Who clue), a birthday (like the Billie Eilish clue for Hollywood), anything.
The solution to these clues is pinpointing how the broad (location) and narrow (date) intersect. My clues are literally one (or two) steps beyond that intersection.
For the non-house clues (which one remains unsolved), I use story or context. But it’s still the same process—look up an aspect of the rumor that interests me, find something that relates, and go one step further. To find my Orlando Billie Eilish clue, I literally googled “billie eilish music video director.” The clue came from the first article that popped up.
These are HARD. By design. You have to think and research to figure them out.