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Tiana's Bayou Adventure (Now Open)

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Splash, by contrast, has way more going on narratively due to the conflicting interplay between the various Brers, even if it's not always the main focus of your journey.
Splash also has fun gags/a sense of humor. Admittedly I have only watched one ride through, but there’s not much in the way of chuckle moments that I saw.
but the animatronics look really amazing.
I haven’t seen anyone argue that yet.

To me, a good animatronic does not make up for a lackluster experience.

For instance, the “Something Sweet” scene in Tokyo Disney’s BatB is boring. It’s two minutes with the same three animatronics and no noticeable changes.

To be fair, I DO NOT think this is a lackluster experience, but I do question the storytelling and weird choice of music usage.

And it isn’t even the simplicity of the story that bothers me, it’s that Tiana and Louis are in every scene saying you found the band members.
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Sorry, folks. I've watched a few POVs now, and I am extremely underwhelmed. Baffled, more like. Frankly, it feels like there's probably some truth to that "Iger said this was boring" tale.

Unlike Splash Mountain, Tiana's directly involves the audience in the story's progress. We are meant to help do something, and the characters speak to us. On Splash, we are only witnesses to Brer Rabbit's adventure, and only the vultures directly address us. This creates a very different kind of atmosphere and calls for different storytelling levers, as the characters need to actively acknowledge us. Unfortunately, because our goal/the stakes are so unclear, most of this dialogue is spent telling us we've done something or reiterating what we still need to do. Nothing is self evident... everything must be explained. All tell, no show. This, to me, speaks to why the ride feels so inert. It's something I've seen in quite a few newer experiences... we keep being essentially told we're having fun and/or have accomplished something. But we literally round the corner after the first drop and find a whole band of critters! What on earth is the rest of the ride supposed to be about? Oh... finding... more critters? Okay...

But there isn't even any fun in finding those critters. They just appear in front of us already playing instruments. There isn't any creativity or whimsy in locating them... nothing pops out of a hiding place, nothing starts to play an object that couldn't possibly be used as an instrument (i.e. a spiderweb with sticks as a ukulele, like in the movie), it's just already happening in front of you, with Tiana and Louis repeatedly insisting we're doing a great job. Okay! Is there any chance we'll encounter a conflict somewhere in this ride? Or is it just going to be the same beat slammed over and over?

Also, I hate to say it, but while the finale room looks great and the Tiana and Louis animatronics throughout are spectacular, the rest of the figures are Little Mermaid quality - which is to say, barely animatronics at all. Many of the Splash Mountain animatronics weren't particularly dynamic, either, but they most tended to have more than a single motion. (When they worked properly, the frogs bobbed and turned and sang - and their eyes moved. Here, the equivalent figure just rocks back and forth, face frozen.) There's already so little to look at during most of the ride's scenes that these limitations become tougher to ignore.

It's ultimately just weird on a conceptual level. It's a Princess and the Frog ride that seems determined to use as little as possible from the movie. You've got some of the music, sure, but Tiana may as well be a completely different character. Naveen and Ray, the two characters who I'd argue do the most to push and round out the film's core ensemble, are not present. (Yes, Naveen has one non-speaking figure in the finale. What happened to his voice actor returning to supply new dialogue?) You've got Mama Odie doing arbitrary magic, I guess.

Yes, this needed Facilier. It needed conflict, it needed stakes, it needed more playful and thoughtful visuals. It's going to be tough to criticize this ride because of the unfair expectations placed upon it (and the instinct to dismiss dissatisfaction with latent racism), but in my opinion, this doesn't work on a fundamental level. I think it needs emergency Little Mermaid 1.0 levels of help.
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I wouldn't say Splash Mountain told a super compelling story or anything, but it succeeded in having a tonal structure that works well for a flume ride. The ride starts off jolly as heck and remains that way for a good long while, possibly making you forget about the drop at the end. Then things take a dark turn and the buildup to the drop makes it feel a bit more threatening than it really is. Then we get a big celebration scene for surviving the drop. It's extremely simple stuff, but perfectly executed and compliments the ride's layout. By comparison Tiana's only real mood is "jolly", and it remains jolly until the end where it becomes...jollier? It looks like a ride where basically nothing happens and no moment really has any punch to it aside from the guaranteed physical thrill of drops. It's clearly expensive and the AAs look great, I just don't think the overall mood and tone of the ride really compliment a heavily themed log flume with a large drop. It would probably be more at home in a gentle scenic dark ride. I'm no elitist when it comes to on-ride storytelling, like honestly I think most rides come off as overly corny when they lay it on too thick with a straight face, but mood and atmosphere can be very effective at enhancing whatever a ride is doing.

Now for a possibly crazier take...the original design of the mountain is more striking to me. The new design is clearly "more" and higher budget with tons more foliage and stuff everywhere, but there was a simplicity to the original that would draw your eye to the iconic cracked tree at the top of the mountain as logs drop into the briar patch. Tiana's is denser but also visually busy in a way I'm not sure I prefer over the original. I'd likely prefer Tiana's if they executed the original concept art, but as it stands I don't find the new mountain as interesting or clean to look at.
Sorry, folks. I've watched a few POVs now, and I am extremely underwhelmed. Baffled, more like. Frankly, it feels like there's probably some truth to that "Iger said this was boring" tale.

Unlike Splash Mountain, Tiana's directly involves the audience in the story's progress. We are meant to help do something, and the characters speak to us. On Splash, we are only witnesses to Brer Rabbit's adventure, and only the vultures directly address us. This creates a very different kind of atmosphere and calls for different storytelling levers, as the characters need to actively acknowledge us. Unfortunately, because our goal/the stakes are so unclear, most of this dialogue is spent telling us we've done something or reiterating what we still need to do. Nothing is self evident... everything must be explained. All tell, no show. This, to me, speaks to why the ride feels so inert. It's something I've seen in quite a few newer experiences... we keep being essentially told we're having fun and/or have accomplished something. But we literally round the corner after the first drop and find a whole band of critters! What on earth is the rest of the ride supposed to be about? Oh... finding... more critters? Okay...

But there isn't even any fun in finding those critters. They just appear in front of us already playing instruments. There isn't any creativity or whimsy in locating them... nothing pops out of a hiding place, nothing starts to play an object that couldn't possibly be used as an instrument (i.e. a spiderweb with sticks as a ukulele, like in the movie), it's just already happening in front of you, with Tiana and Louis repeatedly insisting we're doing a great job. Okay! Is there any chance we'll encounter a conflict somewhere in this ride? Or is it just going to be the same beat slammed over and over?

Also, I hate to say it, but while the finale room looks great and the Tiana and Louis animatronics throughout are spectacular, the rest of the figures are Little Mermaid quality - which is to say, barely animatronics at all. Many of the Splash Mountain animatronics weren't particularly dynamic, either, but they most tended to have more than a single motion. (When they worked properly, the frogs bobbed and turned and sang - and their eyes moved. Here, the equivalent figure just rocks back and forth, face frozen.) There's already so little to look at during most of the ride's scenes that these limitations become tougher to ignore.

It's ultimately just weird on a conceptual level. It's a Princess and the Frog ride that seems determined to use as little as possible from the movie. You've got some of the music, sure, but Tiana may as well be a completely different character. Naveen and Ray, the two characters who I'd argue do the most to push and round out the film's core ensemble, are not present. (Yes, Naveen has one non-speaking figure in the finale. What happened to his voice actor returning to supply new dialogue?) You've got Mama Odie doing arbitrary magic, I guess.

Yes, this needed Facilier. It needed conflict, it needed stakes, it needed more playful and thoughtful visuals. It's going to be tough to criticize this ride because of the unfair expectations placed upon it (and the instinct to dismiss dissatisfaction with latent racism), but in my opinion, this doesn't work on a fundamental level. I think it needs emergency Little Mermaid 1.0 levels of help.
I actually don’t think we need Facilier, but I do think the ride could benefit from more Naveen and less Tiana.

The story structure could have been Louis goes to find the a new band on the bayou, the music playing critters are scared by his big teeth, they vamoose while Louis comically chases them around the bayou, and Tiana/Naveen/or both agree to get turned into frogs again to get down to the critter’s level and convince them. Final lift is transformation back and then party.

Take the audience out of the story and gosh darn it have the characters sing some of the actual songs (with reworked lyrics to match the story beats).

Humor, light tension, and better music integration.

Also, unless I am missing something, wrap that lift hill in a screen and give us an impressive show scene for our transformation back.
Theme Park nerds will hate it, the general public will love it. That’s my take.

There’s room for improvement like that long stretch of nothing before the second small drop and the story line could’ve been more interesting, but I find the aesthetics wayyy better. Take me to the the gallows but the final scene is also an improvement…
I actually don’t think we need Facilier, but I do think the ride could benefit from more Naveen and less Tiana.

The story structure could have been Louis goes to find the a new band on the bayou, the music playing critters are scared by his big teeth, they vamoose while Louis comically chases them around the bayou, and Tiana/Naveen/or both agree to get turned into frogs again to get down to the critter’s level and convince them. Final lift is transformation back and then party.

Take the audience out of the story and gosh darn it have the characters sing some of the actual songs (with reworked lyrics to match the story beats).

Humor, light tension, and better music integration.

Also, unless I am missing something, wrap that lift hill in a screen and give us an impressive show scene for our transformation back.

this sounds really nice actually
I actually don’t think we need Facilier, but I do think the ride could benefit from more Naveen and less Tiana.

The story structure could have been Louis goes to find the a new band on the bayou, the music playing critters are scared by his big teeth, they vamoose while Louis comically chases them around the bayou, and Tiana/Naveen/or both agree to get turned into frogs again to get down to the critter’s level and convince them. Final lift is transformation back and then party.
And this is my thing, Naveen was always an afterthought even in the movies. He's in what, one song. He is no Kristoff by the least. Also, at this point in the storyline, Louis is already a well known jazz playing gator so why would the animals be afraid of him, especially if they play music as well? I am starting to see why disney rides are more so a "book report" and not a continuation or new storyline lol.
It's going to be tough to criticize this ride because of the unfair expectations placed upon it (and the instinct to dismiss dissatisfaction with latent racism), but in my opinion, this doesn't work on a fundamental level. I think it needs emergency Little Mermaid 1.0 levels of help.
I was discussing with some friends yesterday, that if this was a new build, it would be getting universally roasted. But as you point out, there will never be honest discussion of this ride for various reasons. One group has placed all the importance of the universe upon it, and designated it as an attraction that transcends the medium. Another group was going to hate it no matter what. The rest of us are left with a boring, nonsensical ride but will be called racists/Splash people.
Echoing other's Posts

The Tech and Q looked to be improved, but.....the ride feels a little souless

I also agree while theme park fans wont love this I think most of the general public wont care and will ride this because its not a bad ride just....for my money not as great of a ride as what we had

With or without a villain, I think one of the main issues is you can interchange any of the characters and it makes no difference to the story...so then the ride feels like it has no character

Like everyone is just happy and wants to get to the party....there is not only zero conflict but most characters just feel like they are saying what all the other characters are saying as well without much flair to make it their own

For example look at Br'er Bear, he's easily tricked and the ride reflects that, Br'er Rabbit likes tricks and hates work, which is why he looked unhappy when he was on the Mine cart having to work to move along. Just slight little moments for the Story tellers to let you know who the character is.....here they all like the same thing and all have the same goal

I think the part where your a frog, should be where naveen is because I feel like he could have showed more of his character off but....no just Tia telling you the same thing she did in the room before.

I do want to say I don't hate this ride, I'm just disappointed and dislike sooooo much that Disney keeps making attractions like this that feel like boards made them over creators. Princess and The Frog is in my top 5 Animated Disney films and so for me, I've wanted this attraction since the movie was made but didn't think Disneyland had the space.....and now we take what was a pretty Iconic Ride and turn it into this which.....could be worst but also to me besides the tech is not improving the ride much besides things that they could have spent like 1/4 the money on and redone the Q and upgraded the tech.

I'll still for sure ride it and maybe Disneyland version will just click more for me because its shorter
Well my issue has nothing to do with the tech or new dressing of the ride

I will be surprised if I love it as much as Splash, which was always a tall order

Also is this guy on list that allows him to go on things early? IF so then they have to say nice things or they are off the list

This was brought up in the Star Cruiser video by Jenny Nicholson, I mean go back and look at early reviews of that.....not saying its a bad ride but for sure making up my own mind and think so should everyone else
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Well my issue has nothing to do with the tech or new dressing of the ride

I will be surprised if I love it as much as Splash, which was always a tall order

Also is this guy on list that allows him to go on things early? IF so then they have to say nice things or they are off the list

This was brought up in the Star Cruiser video by Jenny Nicholson, I mean go back and look at early reviews of that.....not saying its a bad ride but for sure making up my own mind and think so should everyone else
As Drew says in the video, a friend invited him to a CM preview. He did not get in on a media invite is that’s what you’re asking.