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Volcano Bay: General Discussion

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I hope like hell they add waves in the taller wall section or it's going to suck. I was thinking there were going for this

Thsee are Bigly at Shlitter bans and I though Proslide had a version

The life jacket requirement also sucks

I could see justification for life jackets if the waves were like this. Withholding judgment until I'm there in person.
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^^^Exactly, if they're only going to get it right when an IP is holding a gun to their head, you all better hope that the real third gate is stuffed full of IP, contract binding, rides and environments.

Some parts of Volcano Bay are really wonderful, but again, it's super inconsistent the way it is now.

Completely. And even some well known IP based entries have exposed show buildings.... so even then they don't fully commit.

It's just on my nerves, I know they can do it, so why don't they?!
Let's just all calm down... :look: I personally agree with both sides of this argument, but I'm not too worried. Many of the problems with the park (Overfilled TapuTapu return lines, exposed steel supports holding up the stairs on the volcano, the VERY bare action river under the volcano, and not enough landscaping.) seems to be a relatively easy fix over time. TapuTapu can be adjusted after they figure out the correct algorithms for the amount of guests allowed in the park and actual attraction capacity. The exposed steel on the volcano will hopefully be covered very soon with faux bamboo, (?) or something of that nature. The action river could easily have some type of tunnel formed around it under the volcano either with wood or hanging vines. And finally, more landscaping will be added and the trees and shrubs already in place will grow and get more lush.
The Fearless Rivers isn't filled to it's correct height yet. All of the grates and stuff you see on the side walls towards the end will be submerged under water making the look completely different. This was just a temporary fix to have a lazy river open as it seems the Stargazer Cavern isn't ready yet. Also the view from the inside of the volcano will look completely different in a few weeks. But, by all means, make your judgements now on an incomplete product.
Good to hear about the water level.
Also- if the river and wave generator are throwing me around a ton- I won't care about theming that much.
Can I ask what they could possibly do to change that view inside the volcano? I can't think of anything outside of fog that would hide it from the river. The walkways will have trees that will fill in- but the river won't get that luxury.

The exposed steel on the volcano will hopefully be covered very soon with faux bamboo, (?) or something of that nature.
I agree with most everything but this. They painted the steel with a high quality purple enamel. It's not going to get bamboo over it. It is what it is.
The walls along the volcano shouldn't look like the walls at your community pool. Especially these, they are a part of the center piece. Is this a reasonable thing to bring up?


See the difference.


Yeah, the landscaping looks a bit hinky right now as it is new. Unlike Disney, Universal has planted many trees in the landscape but they are not the large ones like at the entrance, or what Disney plants everywhere.

Too, I could see in media walkthroughs yesterday that TONs of mulch had washed off in the heavy rains the past few days. Much of it fell into the rivers. That is why that unsightly black fabric is staked along the sides now and the plants are surrounded by bare sand. Not much they can do about that, except plant everything 6 months ago and let it grow in to cover the mulch.
I don't think @Miketheboss is out of line with the above post. He should be allowed to post his opinion, just as people that enjoy mediocrity are allowed to post their's.

The wave pool pictures are especially interesting and it's a worthwhile post, as obvious by the fact it was posted 9-minutes ago and six people like it already.
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I think that's a legit point (the wave pool walls). They're capable of executing to a very high level, and they did with Volcano Bay...but not everywhere. They should have absolutely done a bit more than just bare concrete walls there.
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It's not bickering, it's observation. We were told to wait for in-park photos before casting judgements, so I'm not really sure what's wrong with following instructions. To me, it looks halfassed, and @Miketheboss is pointing out some very valid points.

They'll probably ban me soon. I'm not posting what they want to see. Some parts look great, some sections look crappy. I'm pointing out the crappy ones because it does cost almost $70 to get in.