What does USF need the most before Epic Universe opens? | Inside Universal Forums

What does USF need the most before Epic Universe opens?

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Aug 7, 2018
I think it’s been well documented on here via various threads about USF’s needs, espeically before their brand new park opens in 2023. So to consolidate that conversation, what do you believe is USF’s biggest need before they open Epic Universe? The only recent additions attraction wise recently are Fast and Furious along with the upcoming Bourne Stuntacular. Not necessarily vacation planning attractions, although imo I’m betting Bourne is going to be quite good.

That being said however, since Diagon Alley those are the only 2 main additions to the park. I think USF needs balance more than anything right now. With Bourne opening, that’ll help take away from the 3-D issue in the park a little.

I think SLOP would be THE perfect addition for this park for 2022. Should help crowds come throughout that year, adds a mostly physical set focused ride that USF needs. Appeals to families, and if they ever go ahead with a SLOP 3, would likely be opening around 2022 ish, or at least wouldn’t be too far out. The merchandise sales are unique to Universal if the “adopt a pet” store idea is true. To me, this just makes the most sense. Wait for kidzone for 2024/2025 to have something major open in the current resort after Epic Universe opens.

So I’m curious as to everyone’s thoughts. Again, I feel this is constantly discussed throughout the forums so we may as well consolidate it here.USF is not a bad park at all imo right now, but it could use a minor face lift before EU opens I think. Anyways, curious to hear from other IU members.
Every park needs help and fixes in areas, even brand new ones (those sometimes need the most). USF, despite misfires and some old things, is actually in pretty good shape all things considered. This year Bourne, F&F, Fallon, Gringotts, HE, Diagon, FFB, Transformers, and Minions are all under 10 years old. Of the attractions offered at the park the following don't pull their weight, IMHO: Shrek, F&F, Barney, FFL, Animal Actors.

So my vote goes to Fear Factor Live. As a show it's pretty bare bones so could be updated and it's in the back of the park so a late morning to evening new stunt show would be perfect for this location. Since Bourne is going to be more "in universe" it'd be cool to see this stunt show be like a modern Indiana Jones just way shorter while still having the "making of" aspects.
Every park needs help and fixes in areas, even brand new ones (those sometimes need the most). USF, despite misfires and some old things, is actually in pretty good shape all things considered. This year Bourne, F&F, Fallon, Gringotts, HE, Diagon, FFB, Transformers, and Minions are all under 10 years old. Of the attractions offered at the park the following don't pull their weight, IMHO: Shrek, F&F, Barney, FFL, Animal Actors.

So my vote goes to Fear Factor Live. As a show it's pretty bare bones so could be updated and it's in the back of the park so a late morning to evening new stunt show would be perfect for this location. Since Bourne is going to be more "in universe" it'd be cool to see this stunt show be like a modern Indiana Jones just way shorter while still having the "making of" aspects.
Good thought as well, Fear Factor (while I enjoy) feels very, blatantly outdated haha. Plus this is a fantastic plot of land. I can’t help but imagine this in some way goes to Diagon someday, however. Just my guess.
That being said, I’ve always wanted a Family Feud show to go in here because they could make the theatre huge as I think it’d be a draw for any guest in the park that day. Have the guests take the survey beforehand so there’s investment in the questions and answers from the families on stage. If they wanted to go the American Idol route, maybe weekly winners get on the real TV show. Wouldn’t require many actors, as neither does Fear Factor so I don’t think this would be incredibly expensive past getting the rights. I like you’re thinking though as well.
American idol is on ABC... Disney.

2 stunt shows in the same park also sounds odd, even if one is a “making of”.

Depending on what attraction(s) Fantastic Beast gets at EU would also still allow a London expansion to MoM; if FB doesn’t get MoM for whatever reason.

Either way, I wish a London expansion would occur at the FFL locale vs another show. I don’t even care which IP they’d use or how advanced the attraction is. I’d just like a nice TS restaurant and bar.
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American idol is on ABC... Disney.

2 stunt shows in the same park also sounds odd, even if one is a “making of”.

Depending on what attraction(s) Fantastic Beast gets at EU would also still allow a London expansion to MoM; if FB doesn’t get MoM for whatever reason.

Either way, I wish a London expansion would occur at the FFL locale vs another show. I don’t even care which IP they’d use or how advanced the attraction is. I’d just like a nice TS restaurant and bar.
I was comparing Family feud to the American idol experience at Disney Hollywood Studios where the winner got a chance to audition for the show. Maybe weekly winners for Family Feud get a chance to be on the show, and resort guests get to compete.
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A new entrance plaza.

They just need to add a couple “true” family-oriented attractions. A dark-ride of some sort, I don’t care if it’s SLoP, Villain-Con, Trolls, Matilda, Willy Wonka, or friggin’ Road to El Dorado. Just something akin to ET or Cat in the Hat. The second thing can kinda be whatever. My preference is putting a quality musical of some sort in a remodeled Fear Factor, but I’d be fine with a new flat in KidZone. They need less stratified stuff, really.
I think it’s been well documented on here via various threads about USF’s needs, espeically before their brand new park opens in 2023. So to consolidate that conversation, what do you believe is USF’s biggest need before they open Epic Universe? The only recent additions attraction wise recently are Fast and Furious along with the upcoming Bourne Stuntacular. Not necessarily vacation planning attractions, although imo I’m betting Bourne is going to be quite good.

That being said however, since Diagon Alley those are the only 2 main additions to the park. I think USF needs balance more than anything right now. With Bourne opening, that’ll help take away from the 3-D issue in the park a little.

I think SLOP would be THE perfect addition for this park for 2022. Should help crowds come throughout that year, adds a mostly physical set focused ride that USF needs. Appeals to families, and if they ever go ahead with a SLOP 3, would likely be opening around 2022 ish, or at least wouldn’t be too far out. The merchandise sales are unique to Universal if the “adopt a pet” store idea is true. To me, this just makes the most sense. Wait for kidzone for 2024/2025 to have something major open in the current resort after Epic Universe opens.

So I’m curious as to everyone’s thoughts. Again, I feel this is constantly discussed throughout the forums so we may as well consolidate it here.USF is not a bad park at all imo right now, but it could use a minor face lift before EU opens I think. Anyways, curious to hear from other IU members.
Honestly, Bourne is a great addition to the park

I would say SLoP would be great before EU opens

Diagon will continue to pull people in, but I think it would be smart to begin construction of Pokemon soon
A new entrance plaza.

They just need to add a couple “true” family-oriented attractions. A dark-ride of some sort, I don’t care if it’s SLoP, Villain-Con, Trolls, Matilda, Willy Wonka, or friggin’ Road to El Dorado. Just something akin to ET or Cat in the Hat. The second thing can kinda be whatever. My preference is putting a quality musical of some sort in a remodeled Fear Factor, but I’d be fine with a new flat in KidZone. They need less stratified stuff, really.
100% agree. Or be bold and do a Prince of Egypt stage show. :clap:
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Honestly, Bourne is a great addition to the park

I would say SLoP would be great before EU opens

Diagon will continue to pull people in, but I think it would be smart to begin construction of Pokemon soon
In agreement with all this. I’m so hyped for Bourne honestly. The concerts I’ve seen done by this company have always given me many “Wow” moments. Very visually impressive and mind boggling sometimes haha. As long as the script isn’t downright horrendous I bet this will be great and a fan favorite. I just got faith
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Attractions-wise, I'm with Joe, anything to replace Fear Factor Live.

But overall Universal's biggest issues are infrastructure related. Parking, the entrance plaza Legacy brought up, the fact there's no exit path to I-4 that doesn't involve traffic lights (half a dozen from one exit). I think effort there would build a better guest experience.
As much as I would love to see Spongebob or Pokemon in Kidzone, I don't think it needs to be added before Epic Universe. Those are definitely post-EU additions.

I agree with Legacy on a new entrance plaza. A new opening area can really change the overall feel of a park, and between the Universal Store, the Photopass building, Minions, Shrek, and even the Concert grass, they have more than enough space for something huge and unique.
I know I’m in the minority around here in thinking that USF still has quite serious shortcomings that need to be addressed in terms of the diversity of its attractions, so my answer to this question probably won’t be a surprise to anybody: USF needs to open a family-friendly, all-ages, non-screen-reliant, high-capacity dark ride within the next three years.

It needs even more than that, but one ride prior to Epic Universe opening seems reasonable.
I think that USF would benefit from any sort of attraction that uses practical effects rather than screens, whether that be dark ride, water ride, coaster, or show. I’m less convinced, however, that the right combination of ride type, IP, location, and construction resources exists to get a good ride built in USF before the opening of Epic Universe. I too would like to see a new entrance, but I don’t view that as an immediate need for before Epic Universe opens. If they do build SLOP or start construction on Pokemon in Kidzone I certainly won’t complain, but I don’t think it’s the end of world if USF gets nothing else major before Epic Universe, so long as they keep things somewhat fresh by making small upgrades like the Today Café and Cinematic Celebration.

As I think about the future of USF, I’m far more concerned about the long term post-EU than I am about the next few years. Once Epic Universe opens, USF will very likely be the worst of the three Universal Orlando parks, and I fear that it will start to garner the same sorts of complaints that DHS and Epcot recently have about being dated, directionless, lacking cohesive theme, and being too reliant on events. In a time where theme park design has become all about immersive single IP lands, USF will stand out as a relic from a prior era of theme parks full of large one-off attractions with only minimal thematic connection. This won’t be an easy problem to fix, as the park will have many aging attractions scattered throughout, with almost none on plots large enough to become a full IP land. Because of this, I think the long term future of USF might actually be more interesting than the short term, but that’s probably a discussion for a different thread.
Well, it "needs" nothing, but a few bars and public nudity would go a long way. For good measures I would also like to see a classic Universal Studios land as it is a movie studio oriented park and we all know nostalgia sells. A night time parade and a better daytime parade would be the cherries on the tops.
  • MIB or Mummy re-do/replacement

I can understand this line of thinking only if you're looking at it purely from the company's logistical side and being concerned about the age of the ride systems.

But purely from a fan standpoint, I do not think giving the axe to either of the park's two best rides is among the park's most pressing needs.
It may be a case of operational necessity with Mummy, just like with Disaster. If the ride system is at the end of its life and needs replacement, it may make better financial sense to pull the plug on Mummy and build something new (and more relevant) in its place. How many people coming to Universal now even saw those films? Yes, it's a fun coaster, but maybe it's time to change.

Whatever it is, I think we all agree that USF is probably the next new attraction of the two parks, and probably for 2022 to keep people coming while EU is in the final stretch of construction.
I can understand this line of thinking only if you're looking at it purely from the company's logistical side and being concerned about the age of the ride systems.

But purely from a fan standpoint, I do not think giving the axe to either of the park's two best rides is among the park's most pressing needs.

Well, yea. Universal isn't approaching it from a fan standpoint... Either way, both rides need love. They aren't going to touch KidZone til post-EU most likely and everything at USF has been touched in the past 10 years save for ET (Which should also fall into the redo lane), leaving MIB and Mummy as the sole attractions yet to feel Uni's sting under the Comcast Era. Replacing Jaws wasn't a pressing need and didn't need to go, but it did for the better of the park. A new E-ticket or new version of an existing ride would be just enough to keep some eyes on USF while EU is the crown jewel for the first few years of its existence.
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