A couple quick observations from our Touring Plans statistics:
Uni & USF in particular are doing a great job of spreading the crowds out. Wait times for Transformers, Rockit, DM, Mummy, and even ET are trending higher vs last year, even with DA to soak up crowds.
Attendance across Uni seems up, though not quite as stratospheric as predicted. But crowds at the same time seem noticeably lower at WDW, especially at Epcot and DAK.
Uni engaged in TM scheduling overkill during DA's opening weeks to avoid accusations of understaffing. I think we're seeing staffing settle down to more sustainable levels, but there are still a lot more shifts to go around than this time last year.
Finally, Gringotts waits have still been averaging over 2 hrs for most of the day and peaking at 300 minutes. Even at 50% capacity that represents 2k-5k people in line at any one time. If the MK Frozen M&G had the same number of people in its queue, it would have a 6-15 hour wait!