Ok, time to tell you a story that I have been sitting on for the past 3 months until I felt safe that memories have faded. Some of you will appreciate it while some of you will not. What is fascinating about this post is that it covers three major projects... two still yet to open.
While we assumed that Nassal was involved with Diagon, Gringotts and Kings Cross, I can only say with conviction that Nassal was heavily involved with Gringotts both inside and out but I do not know about the others.
Turns out that two other major companies were under contract to build and theme major components/areas as well. Unfortunately, sometime in the last 6-8 months of the project they were both coming up short, making mistakes, excuses and what not.
Apparently Universal turned to Nassal and asked them if they could assemble a team to finish all that was remaining, which was daunting to say the least. Nassal agreed to the task and the other to companies were told to go home; they were finished.
So, Nassal finished what all of you see now, they brought it to life despite the setbacks.
Two other parks:
Universal (and perhaps Comcast execs) were so impressed by Nassal's team, and without a stomach for mistakes awarded Nassal two upcoming projects WITHOUT PUTTING IT OUT FOR BID! That is a big deal in business but apparently one that Universal was willing to accept.
So, sans bid, Nassal was awarded both the Kong project as well as the Volcano Bay project.
*addendum: there is a lot more to every story and I feel positive I have over simplified the arching details of what happened and there might be some inaccuracies typed here. However, I feel confident that the overall synopsis stated is correct.