I'd have to go through issues of the printed Observer, but Dave Meltzer has been tracking this stuff for 20+ years now and nothing has changed. From the low points of the early 90s, to the red hot late 90s/early 2000s, wrestling fans stick with wrestling. It's the reason all the "B" shows (the most recent being for WGN) end up getting cancelled. Stations see these incredible (at least as they can be in today's marketplace) numbers wrestling gets on USA/Spike and think getting a wrestling show will up their entire station. That's not what happens. The wrestling fans come in, watch their wrestling show, and leave. Of course there's going to be exceptions, and a lot of them, but this is one of the reasons pro wrestling shows get one of the lowest, if not the lowest, rate of advertising dollars.
A quck search of Meltzer's tweets reveal this quickie: "Dave Meltzer @davemeltzerWON
@alexdgreenfield Yeah, I've seen studies. Heavy minority and low income. WWE & WNBA lean most left of any sports fan bases."
I googled this and "Last year Meltzer had a a chart showing how many wrestling fans there are in various demographics (in the US). African-Americans are 3 times more likely to be fans than whites, which means they could be 30-40% of the total fanbase. Also, the very poorest households are far more likely to be fans than anyone else, even compared to other below-average households. Thus the low ad revenue per capita. A lot of that has to do with young, single men being a core group, and "young single person" is always by far the poorest group in society."
I can't even explain what an authority on wrestling Dave Meltzer is. I guess the closest person to compare him to in the theme park world would be Jim Hill, but I think a better description would be "Jim Hill combined with the next three top guys you think are the top of the field." The wrestling observer newsletter (and website F4Wonline.com) is a must read if you have even a passing interest in the world of wrestling. It's amazing.
Then there's other areas to consider like, what kind of Hall of Fame are we talking about? This isn't the type of Hall of Fame most people are used to, where people get in on merit. People, even the biggest stars, are left out of WWE Hall of Fame because of things like personal vendettas. The WWE Hall of Fame has Vince McMahon's father's limo driver in it. It's a cartoon version of a real wrestling Hall of Fame.