Your Luck has Run Out! | Inside Universal Forums

Your Luck has Run Out!

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Enter if you dare into the lair of the LUCKY! Your choices will determine if you make it out alive! Witness luck’s deadly wrath. Will she choose you to be her next victim?

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This scarezone is supposed to have the most attention since is Lady Luck in here, ha. Is it true is going to be in the alley where it used to be Saws n Steam, it doesnt seem to fit there to me...
I guess there won't be much to it since they STILL haven't started this SZ yet.
Yeah I know I just found it odd it was the only one with no sign of anything going on.
They got my friend so good in this zone. I think they did good with the space that they have and they definitely utilized the nooks and crannies to their advantage. :)
This street made no sense at all. As I walked through all I saw were three pretty Lady Lucks on high (two on stairs and one on a platform thingy) and below them were three ugly Lady Lucks. Oh, and some smoke. With no further ado, your Icon :rolleyes:
^Thats what it looked like on a video and I was thinking...this is it??

It's like they wanted to create the most irrelevant, forgettable icon and buried her in the most inconvenient corner of UO with the biggest hack-job themeing ever. "Let's just go to Sting Alley, toss out a bunch of Lady Luck clones, and call it a year."
I suppose it kind of vaguely makes sense if you know the backstory, since the backstory takes places in the 1930s in an alley behind a building holding a card game. Even then, that's a very very strange and abstract thing to fuel an entire zone.
Kinda underwhelming, the girls up top must be bored out of there skulls!!!!!!!!






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The ad campaign for HHN's this year is dreadful. The commercial doesn't clarify points such as the "black you die" with only a .5 sec clip of the wheel hitting black... should have been a click click cli---------------------------ck black. Then at the end she slams the door and it just has a wimpy natural 'thunk' sound... should be an echoey chamber slam sound. Very poorly directed.
This would have worked so much better as a live stage type show where lady luck picks a "random" audience member out of the crowd and straps them to the wheel. It lands on black as luck would have it and then the henchman dudes they had in the scarezone come and cut up the victim and carry off the "dead" body. Much like the islands of fear show with eelmouth at IOA. This as a scarezone was DUMB. The "scary" versions of lady luck kept pushing a button with a recorded scream effect and those masks, c'mon. I thought they were gonna tell me I could save a ton of money on my car insurance and it was so easy a caveman could do it. Really Universal? You can do better than that, especially on your icon!! Look at the pictures, they look like that dang geico caveman! :bonk:
This would have worked so much better as a live stage type show where lady luck picks a "random" audience member out of the crowd and straps them to the wheel. It lands on black as luck would have it and then the henchman dudes they had in the scarezone come and cut up the victim and carry off the "dead" body. Much like the islands of fear show with eelmouth at IOA. This as a scarezone was DUMB. The "scary" versions of lady luck kept pushing a button with a recorded scream effect and those masks, c'mon. I thought they were gonna tell me I could save a ton of money on my car insurance and it was so easy a caveman could do it. Really Universal? You can do better than that, especially on your icon!! Look at the pictures, they look like that dang geico caveman! :bonk:

:lol: Too true...
Chainsaws and the guardsmen(?) are a nice addition to the zone. Saw a girl run so hard from a chainsaw last night she tripped on a curb and face planted.