OK, just an opinion (that is what we are here for, right?), but one of the reasons I didn't attend in 2009 and haven't enjoyed myself as much as I did back in the good, old 90s is the HUGE, VAST, SNOOKI-SIZED consumption of alcohol

at HHNs.
Most of the folks who drink aren't drinking to enjoy an adult beverage, but to lose their inhibitions and act like arses. That's not something I like, and I think UNI largely looks the other way because I can only imagine how much they make on booze sales during the event.
That said, I've noticed a BIG decline in people buying on the nights I've gone the past two years that I can only attribute to the economy. The ability to run up an $80 individual tab while getting blitzed out of of your mind is much tougher when you aren't working or worried about losing the car/house.
I know they are 'dry' in Hollywood. I wonder if it would be better here too.
Sorta like how I much prefer smokeless casinos.