Post Your Pictures | Inside Universal Forums

Post Your Pictures

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Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
We already have The OUNCE to upload pictures, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread over here as well since these types of threads seem to be popular at most forums. If you have photos of yourself that you want to share go ahead and post them in here.

Please keep it a decent size that will not stretch the page. If it stretches the width too far I will have to delete it.
Cap. Sledge? Which reminds me...


Boom! Now hands where I can see them! :p

Me at IOA right before the final night of HHN

Business Jake, yes I know I look like Jabels(aka little Jack Black)

Learning at school isn't for the Florida school systems

Click for a larger image. This was my brother and I about a year ago in the stocks at Liberty Square, waiting to be executed by Michael Eisner. I'm the one with the black hair.
Here's two of my favorites...



I'm a ham. :)

LOL those are too funny! While yours were intentional, unfortunately mine was not. Dinosaur and RnR are the two rides I have no control over my facial expressions.

Kristi, I can't help but notice you look kinda similar to Ashley Leggat, the star of Disney's Life with Derek for some reason.

And that's definitely not a bad thing.

Why thank you, that was very much a compliment :)
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I was thinking of the same thread earlier today Ralph haha.

Before Final Night of HHN

Buisness Jake you can't mess with my mad car dealing skills

We don't learn at school in the Florida Education System
Ralph, I merged the new thread you made into this older one. Both of you have already posted your pictures and forgot! :lol: Smooth move, guys. Haha.
Ralph, I merged the new thread you made into this older one. Both of you have already posted your pictures and forgot! :lol: Smooth move, guys. Haha.
I realized the same thing Jason. Got to love the intelligence of a fat, 16 year old junior, being taught in Florida.