Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Tips & Tricks | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Tips & Tricks

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Moving this convo over from the News and Info

First time going opening night and I’m siked.

I got express and scream early to try to fit as much a possible. What is the best way to see everything on the 1st night?

Pack your patience. The first night, and opening weekend in general, is going to be busy; especially as international tourists are coming in hot and we're closer to "normal" than last year.

The Casts and Ops are going to be very green until they find their footing, with Ops getting a grasp on how to properly pace the lines inside and out of the house. Throw in all the invited media getting private RIP Tours and that adds to the clog up.

With Express and Early Access, you should be able to see everything in 1 night - but I would still work your way down from your #1 anticipated and go down the list just in case.
I would also avoid Halloween and especially TheWeeknd until later at night (even with express.) Those will drive waits high with stay & scream alone.
Do we have an idea of what houses will be a what stay and scream areas this year?
Taking a shot in the dark.

I can only assume the Simpsons S&S will include either and maybe both Descendants and Bugs. I do remember last year that there was also a split for lining up in Central Park for Beetlejuice, so perhaps The Weeknd and mayyyybe Legends Collide?

For Finnegans, I really have no clue. So many originals there. I will assume Halloween and then it's all a guessing game after that.

Edit: Guessing based off of the latest spec map
As usual for every year, a friendly reminder to those that are planning to hit up stay and scream and want to see all the details in the houses, bring a pair of dark sunglasses to wear before entering the houses. (Bonus if you close your dominant eye for a while beforehand.)

Also, I'd say it's a fair warning that there might be a bit of light leakage in the new Supercharged house location. We'll have to wait and see since it's a brand-new location, but if you're going opening night/weekend and can only hit it once, I'd say wait until dark just in case.

Taking a shot in the dark.

I can only assume the Simpsons S&S will include either and maybe both Descendants and Bugs. I do remember last year that there was also a split for lining up in Central Park for Beetlejuice, so perhaps The Weeknd and mayyyybe Legends Collide?

Last year for the Simpson S&S there was a Central Park lineup for both Beetlejuice and the Haunting of Hill House, so I do feel The Weeknd for sure, and Legends Collide is a good possibility as well. What seems to be a little bit of an unknown is the Sprung tents, since I do recall at times the available house for S&S was the MIB tent. Since that's not available this year, it'll be interesting to see which one or both Sprung tents will open early.
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Hoping they are better prepared this year on opening day for the crowds, specifically for the TheWeeknd. Beetlejuice's queue last year was pretty much wrapped around central park and they still needed more space. They also need to be better prepared for the weather - I was disappointed that Universal didn't provide their employees with umbrellas or raincoats.
What seems to be a little bit of an unknown is the Sprung tents, since I do recall at times the available house for S&S was the MIB tent. Since that's not available this year, it'll be interesting to see which one or both Sprung tents will open early.

Maybe an outside chance that they just let everyone in Springfield walk over to F&F. I guess it's not that much further than MIB?
First time going opening night and I’m siked.

I got express and scream early to try to fit as much a possible. What is the best way to see everything on the 1st night?
With both Express and Scream early you should have no trouble seeing everything opening night. It is busy opening night usually but you should still be good with all that.

Seeing as you said first time going OPENING night, I assume you have been to the event several times and already know to probably do Stay and Scream in Springfield to be able to knock out 3 or 4 houses before having to start using your Express pass. But just in case you didn't already know, do Springfield and knock out 3 or 4 houses before using Express, lol.
Maybe an outside chance that they just let everyone in Springfield walk over to F&F. I guess it's not that much further than MIB?
I'd guess F&F's house doesn't get included in S&S, but you can go from Finn's if you want to be first in line when it does open at 6:30

My predictions:
Central Park/Springfield = 2 Tents, 2 Parades
Finnigan's = 4 Soundstages (music plaza, Fallon, and the two by the NY Library)
Hello Kitty = Opening Scare and the very front soundstage (in conjunction with the actual opening of the park at 6:30pm)
Ticketing question for anyone who knows - do you strictly have to have an HHN admission ticket to get a "Scream Early" ticket? I have someone who will be joining us who has no interest in HHN but would like to hop into the park for an hour or two. Do they check if they have an HHN admission when they scan into daytime operations with the Scream Early ticket?
Ticketing question for anyone who knows - do you strictly have to have an HHN admission ticket to get a "Scream Early" ticket? I have someone who will be joining us who has no interest in HHN but would like to hop into the park for an hour or two. Do they check if they have an HHN admission when they scan into daytime operations with the Scream Early ticket?

I can say 100% for sure that (in the past) you've been able to get in the gates with just the scream early ticket.

I know, because at 29, we got stuck behind a young lady that was arguing with a TM. She was trying to get into the NY S&S zone, but had only purchased the scream early ticket.

She continued to insist that she was told that was the only ticket that she would need for HHN until she looked at us, at which point we were given the difficult assignment of confirming that she was wrong.

So yah. Previous years, you'd be able to just get in the the SE ticket, just not into the holding areas.
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Question about RIP tours, would I gain any advantage on doing a tour start time at 6:30 vs at 8:00? Or will it really not make a difference?
Question about RIP tours, would I gain any advantage on doing a tour start time at 6:30 vs at 8:00? Or will it really not make a difference?

You’ll likely be done earlier, and potentially have more time to re-do a few houses.

You could always hit a few before an 8:00 start; but, I think getting them all done earlier is the better bet
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Question about RIP tours, would I gain any advantage on doing a tour start time at 6:30 vs at 8:00? Or will it really not make a difference?

It’s also worth noting that RIP Tours come with “Universal Express Unlimited” passes for the rides. So if you wanted to use that before your night is over, then you might wanna leave time in your schedule. Personally, I like to focus on doing haunts while HHN is going on, so it’s not much of a perk for me.
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You’ll likely be done earlier, and potentially have more time to re-do a few houses.

You could always hit a few before an 8:00 start; but, I think getting them all done earlier is the better bet

what time do the lines start to die down at the end of the night? I was also thinking of doing stay and scream for the first hour or so of the event before my tour. The main reason I’m doing RIP is I don’t want to be waiting in the long lines backstage as I’m traveling solo and it’s my first time at HHN.
what time do the lines start to die down at the end of the night? I was also thinking of doing stay and scream for the first hour or so of the event before my tour. The main reason I’m doing RIP is I don’t want to be waiting in the long lines backstage as I’m traveling solo and it’s my first time at HHN.

The crowds will start to notably thin out, usually between 11-12. This depends on the night and time of year, of course.
The crowds will start to notably thin out, usually between 11-12. This depends on the night and time of year, of course.

thanks! I also can’t seem to find the closing times for the event to save my life. the two dates I’m looking at at 9/9 and 9/10 do Fridays and Saturdays typically have the same closing time?
thanks! I also can’t seem to find the closing times for the event to save my life. the two dates I’m looking at at 9/9 and 9/10 do Fridays and Saturdays typically have the same closing time?
If I recall correctly, September was mostly 1am closings last year, but if any dates are gonna have 2am closes, Fri/Sat would be the mostly likely candidates.
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I booked a 3 house unmasking the horror tour a while ago and just checked the email with all the details, and it's missing one important detail - the check in time. It says "Your Unmasking the Horror check-in time is at and will last up to 2.5 hours" - there's just a space where the check in time should be.

I've booked onto the 1pm tour and I'm thinking I'll just show up at 12:30, would that be okay or do I need to arrive earlier than that?
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Crowds die out at 12 for originals and at 1am for the IPs.

*The only IP that never backed down on waits was Stranger Things, which The Weeknd might pull off this year.