Can you answer a few questions for those of us with some physicality issues?
1) is there ever a point where you can't figure out if you're upside down (anything disorienting that confuses your brain from distinguishing up from down)?
2) is there any spinning? (Such as Men in Black, or Spider-Man) If so, how many spins would you say?
3) Is there significant g-force when the vehicle moves?
4) Is the overall flow of the ride comprised of constant circular motions like Forbidden Journey? I remember FJ made me feel like I was being constantly pulled back and forth as opposed to flying.
5) Do you ever lay fully on your back, or lay fully flat forward facing the ground?
6) and finally, would you say you spend the majority of the ride experience vertical (upright), or primarily tilted?
Thank you so much in advance for anyone willing to help!!