I, too, am very excited about this film. I am also very cautious though. I have no idea exactly how this will tie into Cloverfield. If there is a monster, I'm not expecting to see much of it. In fact, I side with Cliff for the most part on this: For the majority of the film, I think it's going to play like Goodman is the monster, and then somewhere in the 2nd or third acts it's going to be revealed he was right and there really is something sinister going on outside. Also interesting JJ uses the term blood relative. Wouldn't it be cool if the monster is an actual relative of Clover's? I have very high hopes for this, but am trying to keep my excitement and hopes in check. Gotta keep it realistic. I was an active participant in the Cloverfield ARG/Viral Marketing campaign, and indeed I really liked the film. I recently revisited Cloverfield a few days ago, and I think it's aged extremely well. Really hope I'm not disappointed with this spin-off.