Since I expected this... I put this in my first post: "I'm not trying to be a social justice warrior and I'm not saying Universal is intentionally doing anything wrong. If I were to guess, Universal just went with the most popular IPs and the ones which were easiest to translate into an attraction at Universal while not alienating any of their core audience. It just so happens that a majority of the media is male dominated... especially the media with action packed thrills you'd expect to find at Universal."
I'm more of targeting this as a business perspective. Universal would be foolish not to consider this.
Note that I'm not an SJW. If you want to label me: I am a graduate in business (Bachelor's), psychology (Bachelor's), industrial/organizational psychology (Master's), and a former team member (5 year pin), who has learned much about how companies operate. I'm not just pulling this out of my butt... this stuff matters. I bring it up here because I know (well, strongly believe) this has been brought up within their company for discussions... so why not discuss it here?