I kind of had the feeling that the fact that the opening isn't until August was a result of them learning their lesson from Sapphire Falls and Volcano Bay's openings. I'm thinking this won't be the same rush at the end that we saw with those projects, and won't require further finishing touches after open. Or at least I'm hoping... there's a happy medium between Disney taking way too long on construction and the rush job (not in terms of finished quality, but where they were at the deadline) Uni did on SF and VB. I'm thinking they've found it.
It'll be hard to unseat Sapphire Falls as my preferred hotel, but Aventura is intriguing to me. It's value, but honestly, the rooms and amenities don't seem value, just the location and lack of water taxi. Regardless of where I stay, I will be spending plenty of time at that rooftop bar on my next trip, for sure.