I went to Seaworld when I was 7 and then did not know any better. I will not go to Sea world ever again. I am completely against Orcas (and dolphins) being kept in tanks unsuitable for them, because the only things suitable for them is miles upon miles of space, which is what they need. Seaworld is seen as the best of the best when it comes to dolphin and whale shows, and they still find it hard to be able to keep these animals. What do you think happens in a not so world class place that keeps these animals. There is no need AT ALL for these animals to be kept in aquariums/theme parks. They are purely there for our entertainment and its wrong. To them the tanks they are kept in is like what a bath tub is to us, small and claustrophobic. As I said before they need miles upon miles of space.
Seaworld also breeds orcas with mothers and sons and fathers and daughters etc. which would never ever happen in the wild and leads to problems and premature deaths. I understand that Seaworld try to keep their animals in the best way they can, but no way will that ever be enough. We should appreciate these animals for what they are and that is the top predator of the sea, and not something to be used in a show for our entertainment. Its wrong and unnecessary.
As for taking animals out of the wild, they are the reason it became fashionable to take them out the wild. As said above Tillikum was taken from the sea and it doesnt matter that it wasnt seaworld, it would still be leaving the wild in the same way, which is usually to secure the pod of whales in an area and let the trainers pick out the ones they want, which are pulled out of the sea and the rest are slaughtered, which is exactly what happens to the dolphins in japan to this day. Trainers from around the world go and pick out dolphins for their theme park shows and know that the dolphins that are not picked will be slaughtered. i just don't understand why it still goes on when the trainers supposedly care about these dolphins, but arent bothered that they are the reason thousands of dolphins a year are killed.
Today India has stated that there will be no whales and dolphins to be kept in captivity in the country because it is inhumane and the animals are classed as non-human persons. If a third world country can do this, which is 100% the best thing for the animals, then why cant we follow suit?
I get that the show is amazing and the animals look "happy" but believe me there are not. they should be swimming in the wild with 50 other orcas in their family pod. I totally commend Blackfish and I really hope it gets the attention it deserves, because as long as seaworld has orcas and dolphin, i will not be going.
Just thought I would share my thoughts....