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Cameras on Rides

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Apr 29, 2013
Hello, the next time I visit USO/IOA I want to bring my Go Pro and film on the rides (Such as JPRA, Ripsawfalls, and Dragon Challenge) is this allowed? I realize it can get damaged. I am planning on using a wrist strap or head strap.

Thanks, :thumbs:
It all depends. Technically you cant, as every ride has a sign posted that says no cameras, wethere they actually enforce it is another story. For JP, I think all they are really concerned about is you damaging your camera by it getting it wet for the drop. Ive filmed it all the way through with no problems, yet there was one time right b4 the drop, someone came on a speaker & said "put the camera away for your safety", which you can here in this video-

It all depends. Technically you cant, as every ride has a sign posted that says no cameras, wethere they actually enforce it is another story. For JP, I think all they are really concerned about is you damaging your camera by it getting it wet for the drop. Ive filmed it all the way through with no problems, yet there was one time right b4 the drop, someone came on a speaker & said "put the camera away for your safety", which you can here in this video-


It doesn't depend, as you said the answer is no (not technically, the answer is no they are not permitted per the signs at every attraction entrance).

Filming is a violation of park rules and can result in expulsion from the park.

I always love how people think the parks don't want you to film for copyright reasons, or because the park cares about your camera. They don't want you to film or take pictures for many reasons. It slows down loading and unloading when people are fidgeting with their cameras. People will blame the park when they stupidly break/drop their camera. They'll want the park to shut down the ride to get the camera they dropped.

But more importantly then any of those is the fact that you can hurt yourself or those around you. You can loose grip of the camera and it can hit anyone around you, or you can hold onto it and hit yourself with it.

It happens fairly often when people sneak the cameras on board.
Hello, the next time I visit USO/IOA I want to bring my Go Pro and film on the rides (Such as JPRA, Ripsawfalls, and Dragon Challenge) is this allowed? I realize it can get damaged. I am planning on using a wrist strap or head strap.

Thanks, :thumbs:

Easy. Gopro chest mount with under a button up shirt or cut a hole in an old shirt. Done!
It doesn't depend, as you said the answer is no (not technically, the answer is no they are not permitted per the signs at every attraction entrance).

Right, the rule is no cameras. But like I said, wether they enforce it or not is another story, as I mentioned that in JP, sometimes they say put your camera away, sometimes not. Same thing on The Simpsons. I have also been warned on other rides, so no they wont expell you from the park just for using a camera on the ride.

The most extreme example was a Youtube video I saw where there was someone filming on The Simpsons. They came on the speakers & said "This is your only warning to put the camera away, or we'll stop the ride." But worse than that, was they were being loud & disruptive during the ride as well. So finally, they do deactivate there car & escort them out. Were they expelled from the park? No. They were simply told they werent allowed back on The Simpsons, which I dont think anyone no one would argue with, as they were asking for trouble.

Point is, its always good to know what the worst case scenarios are. Cameras are not allowed on rides, so if you choose to do so, do so at your own risk. What's the worst that could happen? Someone sees you & tells you to put it away, no big deal. Get caught twice in the same day on the same ride, you get expelled from that particular ride. Going back for a THIRD time would just be plain dumb, & THAT would probably cause you to get thrown out of the park.

From experience, Id say Ive been warned about a camera about 2 out of several hundred rides out of both parks & havent been thrown out yet, so it is rare.
Right, the rule is no cameras. But like I said, wether they enforce it or not is another story, as I mentioned that in JP, sometimes they say put your camera away, sometimes not. Same thing on The Simpsons. I have also been warned on other rides, so no they wont expell you from the park just for using a camera on the ride.

The most extreme example was a Youtube video I saw where there was someone filming on The Simpsons. They came on the speakers & said "This is your only warning to put the camera away, or we'll stop the ride." But worse than that, was they were being loud & disruptive during the ride as well. So finally, they do deactivate there car & escort them out. Were they expelled from the park? No. They were simply told they werent allowed back on The Simpsons, which I dont think anyone no one would argue with, as they were asking for trouble.

Point is, its always good to know what the worst case scenarios are. Cameras are not allowed on rides, so if you choose to do so, do so at your own risk. What's the worst that could happen? Someone sees you & tells you to put it away, no big deal. Get caught twice in the same day on the same ride, you get expelled from that particular ride. Going back for a THIRD time would just be plain dumb, & THAT would probably cause you to get thrown out of the park.

From experience, Id say Ive been warned about a camera about 2 out of several hundred rides out of both parks & havent been thrown out yet, so it is rare.

I've seen them throw people out for it, so it does happen. Obviously for guest service sake it's rare. But it does happen and can happen.

And as I said the worst thing that can happen is someone else gets hit by your camera. I've seen it happen, and it's not just a coaster issue like you would think. I've seen people get off dark rides like MIB bleeding because the jerk in the front row lost control of his camera on a spin, and it smacked them.
Wow, MIB is one ride I have no interest in trying to film, & why would anyone else? Your supposed to be shotting stuff with your gun, thats the whole point of that ride, not shoot with your camera! I just couldnt imagine going through the whole ride just sitting there not doing anything with aliens that are just begging to get theres, no way!
The OP question is based around a "mounted" GoPro camera which is much different than something handheld. It is strapped to the body so I think the question is the policy based around loose articles or filming in general?
The signs say no filming/photography, however I also thaught of the idea of making a "helmet cam" so to speak, as it would make it hands free, plus I think the camera would wind up having a steadier shot than if its just held in your hands. You could also make it blend in with the hat in such a way so it wouldnt be super obvious with just a bit of inginuity & creativity. This would obviosuly just be for dark rides, NOT roller coasters as it would just fly off, & Im not willing to risk that!
It doesn't depend, as you said the answer is no (not technically, the answer is no they are not permitted per the signs at every attraction entrance).

Right, the rule is no cameras. But like I said, wether they enforce it or not is another story, as I mentioned that in JP, sometimes they say put your camera away, sometimes not. Same thing on The Simpsons. I have also been warned on other rides, so no they wont expell you from the park just for using a camera on the ride.

The most extreme example was a Youtube video I saw where there was someone filming on The Simpsons. They came on the speakers & said "This is your only warning to put the camera away, or we'll stop the ride." But worse than that, was they were being loud & disruptive during the ride as well. So finally, they do deactivate there car & escort them out. Were they expelled from the park? No. They were simply told they werent allowed back on The Simpsons, which I dont think anyone no one would argue with, as they were asking for trouble.

Point is, its always good to know what the worst case scenarios are. Cameras are not allowed on rides, so if you choose to do so, do so at your own risk. What's the worst that could happen? Someone sees you & tells you to put it away, no big deal. Get caught twice in the same day on the same ride, you get expelled from that particular ride. Going back for a THIRD time would just be plain dumb, & THAT would probably cause you to get thrown out of the park.

From experience, Id say Ive been warned about a camera about 2 out of several hundred rides out of both parks & havent been thrown out yet, so it is rare.

The OP question is based around a "mounted" GoPro camera which is much different than something handheld. It is strapped to the body so I think the question is the policy based around loose articles or filming in general?

The signs say no filming/photography, however I also thaught of the idea of making a "helmet cam" so to speak, as it would make it hands free, plus I think the camera would wind up having a steadier shot than if its just held in your hands. You could also make it blend in with the hat in such a way so it wouldnt be super obvious with just a bit of inginuity & creativity. This would obviosuly just be for dark rides, NOT roller coasters as it would just fly off, & Im not willing to risk that!

Here's a guideline: Do not film on rides. It is explicitly prohibited. And if they tell you to delete it, do it. I have watched them trespass people for recording their rides, just like how I've watched them trespass 1st graders for standing up during a ride. Universal will trespass for whatever they want.

You are not only prohibited from recording on rides because of the loose article rules, but also because the cameras interfere with the experience of other guests and interfere with the ride surveillance system. It causes the cameras to have issues (in low light areas especially)

For the love of god, don't do it. There is a serious issue with people nowadays and having to take pictures of everything.
OK, I dont want this to start into a pointless arguement between- "If you want to film, than film" vs "You shouldnt film period.", because, in a way, both sides are right. There is group A that follow all the rules no matter what, & group B that are willing to get what it is that they want no matter what. One of my favorite movie quotes is from the movie Hollowman- "You dont make history by following the rules, you make it by ceasing the moment."

So if you dont want to do ANYTHING that could risk getting you into any kind of trouble whatsoever, than by all means, abide by the rules & dont film.

If however you want to film, than just be safe about it & use common sense, such as-

Make sure what your doing DOES NOT in any way interfere with any other guests enjoyement of the ride.

Dont take any flash pictures unless there is no one else on a ride vehicle with you.

Sit in the back row of the vehicle, & dont use the LCD display on your camera, use the eye view finder so theres no distracting light from your camera.

If your caught & told to stop filming, do so.

Be respectfull & curteous to all ride employees. Im sure for anyone who has been tresspassed, attitude probably played a big factor.

Thats all Ill say about that, as Im not here to tell people what to do, such as "Dont do it no matter what.", as saying that wont matter to the person who already made up there mind that they are going to do it. & again I say, do so at your own risk.

& you know there will be several members here who will be getting POVS of Transformers to post them here, & Im sure no one here will say "Not cool man, you know your not supposed to film the ride." The majority will love every minute of it & you know it.
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in a way, both sides are right.

But that's not true. The rule is you don't film. So no matter how you look at it the only right answer is you don't film.

Just because you feel there is a chance you can get away with breaking the rules doesn't make it right. And that's all your doing is going out of your way to justify breaking the rules because you feel it's acceptable (even though it's not your ride, you didn't design it or come up with the rules, your not aware of why they made the rules, ect)
Rules are rules. They're there for a reason so why question authority. Follow the rules or face the consequences.

If it says dont tape or snap pics then there ya go. It's a no.
OK, I dont want this to start into a pointless arguement between- "If you want to film, than film" vs "You shouldnt film period.", because, in a way, both sides are right. There is group A that follow all the rules no matter what, & group B that are willing to get what it is that they want no matter what. One of my favorite movie quotes is from the movie Hollowman- "You dont make history by following the rules, you make it by ceasing the moment."

So if you dont want to do ANYTHING that could risk getting you into any kind of trouble whatsoever, than by all means, abide by the rules & dont film.

If however you want to film, than just be safe about it & use common sense, such as-

Make sure what your doing DOES NOT in any way interfere with any other guests enjoyement of the ride.

Dont take any flash pictures unless there is no one else on a ride vehicle with you.

Sit in the back row of the vehicle, & dont use the LCD display on your camera, use the eye view finder so theres no distracting light from your camera.

If your caught & told to stop filming, do so.

Be respectfull & curteous to all ride employees. Im sure for anyone who has been tresspassed, attitude probably played a big factor.

Thats all Ill say about that, as Im not here to tell people what to do, such as "Dont do it no matter what.", as saying that wont matter to the person who already made up there mind that they are going to do it. & again I say, do so at your own risk.

& you know there will be several members here who will be getting POVS of Transformers to post them here, & Im sure no one here will say "Not cool man, you know your not supposed to film the ride." The majority will love every minute of it & you know it.

You say you don't want to start an argument, and yet you seem to have a problem with the rules. It says not to film. I know many people appreciate POVs of rides, but the rules say do not film on rides, which the OP was asking about. I would like to have more money, and even though I physically can, I'm not going to rob someone. This is pretty black and white. Have I watched POVs of rides and enjoyed them? Yes I have. Is it against the rules to film? It sure is. You want to choose to film, fine, whatever. I certainly wouldn't, because why risk it when I can remember my experience and see the same thing on countless other videos. So all your positng has done is argue against rules for whatever reasons you think ok, instead of answering the original question on Universal's policies, which is a simple no.
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Hello, the next time I visit USO/IOA I want to bring my Go Pro and film on the rides (Such as JPRA, Ripsawfalls, and Dragon Challenge) is this allowed? I realize it can get damaged. I am planning on using a wrist strap or head strap.

Thanks, :thumbs:

The answer is no. Don't try and bend the rules and risk ruining your day because of something that was avoidable. Don't waste your time trying to film something when 1.) it's not permitted and 2.) you're not able to fully enjoy the experience because you're too busy filming.

Enjoy your day and make the most of it! But bending and breaking the rules, especially blatantly, is childish. Be an adult, be responsible, and have a great time :thumbs:
OK, at what point did I say "There is no rule that says you cant film so go & do it!" I have acknowledged REPEATEDLY that the rule does say no filming. Also, I never said I have a problem with the rule, nor am I questioning authority, nor do I have to "justify" anything, nor have I tried to. If I choose to do so, its my choice. I just think its funny how suddenly people are now going off on a tangent screaming "Rules are rules, just dont do it!" Whats the point? Were all adults here, so I think we can all decide for ourselves as to wether we are going to follow the rules or not. Its almost like saying "Dont drink & drive." or "Dont steal."

It has been said that the rule is no filming, so with people knowing that, let them decide for themselves if they still want to do it or not, not "Dont film because its against the rules, & this & that & this will happen to you if you do, etc etc." Its already been stated several times what the official rules are, so no need to constantly repeat it, or act like I didnt say it, or say I said I have a problem with that.

& I guesss maybe I did kind of contradict myself by saying either argument is right. I admit it, Im wrong DEAD wrong. So if yall wanna hate on me because Im such a rule breaker & like filming on rides, than may you wish the worst for me & that I get banned from the parks for life.
OK, at what point did I say "There is no rule that says you cant film so go & do it!" I have acknowledged REPEATEDLY that the rule does say no filming. Also, I never said I have a problem with the rule, nor am I questioning authority, nor do I have to "justify" anything, nor have I tried to. If I choose to do so, its my choice. I just think its funny how suddenly people are now going off on a tangent screaming "Rules are rules, just dont do it!" Whats the point? Were all adults here, so I think we can all decide for ourselves as to wether we are going to follow the rules or not. Its almost like saying "Dont drink & drive." or "Dont steal."

It has been said that the rule is no filming, so with people knowing that, let them decide for themselves if they still want to do it or not, not "Dont film because its against the rules, & this & that & this will happen to you if you do, etc etc." Its already been stated several times what the official rules are, so no need to constantly repeat it, or act like I didnt say it, or say I said I have a problem with that.

& I guesss maybe I did kind of contradict myself by saying either argument is right. I admit it, Im wrong DEAD wrong. So if yall wanna hate on me because Im such a rule breaker & like filming on rides, than may you wish the worst for me & that I get banned from the parks for life.

Woah there Sparky. Dont bust a gasket...If it's not such a big deal and you claim all of us should make our own decisions then you've made your point, we've made enough is enough. Banned from the parks 4 life is a little harsh....maybe a week :lol:
My last time at IOA there was a guy in front of me with the full head cam on. Had it whilst in the que and was even talking to a cast member while waiting. He was not told once he couldn't use it. Not saying its right or wrong but tat I don't think it's enforced so much if you've got safe gear.