Confederate Flag Removed from American Adventure | Inside Universal Forums

Confederate Flag Removed from American Adventure

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
This is sure to conjure up some big differences in opinion, so please be courteous.

After all the recent backlash against the Confederate flag, Disney has decided to remove it from the Hall of Banners in the American Adventure pavilion.

Please keep in mind, this is an attraction discussing our nation's history. Not a person's backyard.

What do you think of this move?
Agreeing with Teebin, it was a very important part of American history. To remove it is to say that event never occurred.
Lame, but expected. Disney wants to avoid controversy at all costs. At least talk about the context of it regarding our history instead of pretending it never happened.
A complete and utter overreaction, especially when a figure like Andrew Jackson is celebrated as a hero in Hall of Presidents

This isn't flying over a place of government or somewhere it shouldn't be. It's in a display used to teach of all the flags that flew over the lands of the US
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I just don't care either way, but obviously everyone else seems too. It's a flag.
Yeah I don't care about the flag either but what worries me is placing political correctness as a priority over history. If people take things like this too far what kind of history will be left for future generations to learn from.
There are so many other things going on in the world to get upset about. It's amazing how many people get caught up in this stuff.
Either way it's fine with me. I don't get offended by textile and pride. I do defend Disney's decision to play it safe. The subject is pretty hot right now, and there's no reason to ask for guest complains.
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Does anyone know if they had both flags (or 4 if you count the navy ones) or was it just the one everyone knows? just wondering since people are calling this attraction a museum.
Does anyone know if they had both flags (or 4 if you count the navy ones) or was it just the one everyone knows? just wondering since people are calling this attraction a museum.

I believe they had the official 3rd version of the flag, not the popular rebel flag version.
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Eh, its a just a flag and their a business. Why leave something up that might offend some?? I think it is an over reaction, but totally see why they did it. This flag thing will be over once the next national frenzy occurs.
That's just it, the current Georgia Flag is indentical to the relief versions of the actual Confederate flag. The main fuss is over what amounts to modern interpretations of the 2nd Naval Jack and the Army of Northern Virginia. Confederated armies in the West used Van Dorn's Flag that was r2d with a large Cresent moon shape in the top left corner and 13 yellow stars. What this is a complete lack of knowledge of our history. Abraham Lincoln to the end believe that blacks and whites couldn't live together and was wanting to repatriate them back to Africa or move them to Central America. Hall of President's doesn't mention that .
Abraham Lincoln to the end believe that blacks and whites couldn't live together and was wanting to repatriate them back to Africa or move them to Central America. Hall of President's doesn't mention that .

Noooooooooooooooot entirely accurate based on phrasing.

He wanted to abolish slavery, as "all men were created equal" but didn't think blacks should be able to vote or have the same social status as whites. Basically, be free but you can't be as "good" as the whites.

He also didn't necessarily want them to move, but thought it would be a good option to appease the differences between whites & blacks for the sake of peace.
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South Carolina started flying the flag for the first time after the Civil War in 1962 as a passive aggressive attack against the Civil Rights movement and other legislation.

The Confederate Flag is in the American Adventure in an exhibit to showcase all the flags that have flown over this land. Also: Two Brothers.
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If some people see the Confederate flag as a symbol of hate.. literally, a symbol of hate... and find it offensive, then just remove the damn flag. No need to stir up those kinds of feelings in a Disney park. The argument is that it's history but um.. it's still being waved around in people's houses, places of business, strewn across products for sale all over the south, etc. That's not history. It's the issue now.
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If some people see the Confederate flag as a symbol of hate.. literally, a symbol of hate... and find it offensive, then just remove the damn flag. No need to stir up those kinds of feelings in a Disney park. The argument is that it's history but um.. it's still being waved around in people's houses, places of business, strewn across products for sale all over the south, etc. That's not history. It's the issue now.

Agreed, but in an attraction that deals with history....that's history.