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Detective Pikachu

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
Legendary Pictures has officially won the bidding war for the official film rights to the iconic Franchise of "Pokémon".

Pokemon Movie a Go at Legendary | Variety

The official film will be centered around the Great Detective Pikachu character, as production will begin next year.

Are you excited on Legendary Pictures tackling a Pokémon movie? What do you think of the selection of Detective Pikachu? Sound off below!
I'm a pretty big Pokemon fan, but I'm not very familiar with the Detective Pikachu character. Seems odd that they don't just tackle the typical Pokemon journey story like in the games and show, but maybe this seemed like a safer starting place.
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I'm a pretty big Pokemon fan, but I'm not very familiar with the Detective Pikachu character. Seems odd that they don't just tackle the typical Pokemon journey story like in the games and show, but maybe this seemed like a safer starting place.

I agree that it's strange; but it makes sense as Pikachu is one of the most popular Pokémon in the series. You might as well start off with him, especially from popularity of the original animated Pokémon series.

It would also set up the universe in a sense..but who knows at this point. All I'll bet (besides not wanting Danny DeVito to voice Pikachu), is that Universal will probably help distribute the film.
I agree that it's strange; but it makes sense as Pikachu is one of the most popular Pokémon in the series. You might as well start off with him, especially from popularity of the original animated Pokémon series.

It would also set up the universe in a sense..but who knows at this point. All I'll bet (besides not wanting Danny DeVito to voice Pikachu), is that Universal will probably help distribute the film.
The article that I read on IGN seemed to confirm that Universal is distributing the film everywhere except Japan, which will use a Japanese company.
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The article that I read on IGN seemed to confirm that Universal is distributing the film everywhere except Japan, which will use a Japanese company.

Yeah, that's not suprising. I wouldn't be shocked if it was Toho that distributes it too, although I guess we'll find out the closer we get I guess to production start..

and for those at home, this is what I was referring to with the Danny DeVito joke.

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I don't think I'm one that would be interested in a Pokemon movie anyways, but if they did do one I think I'd prefer it to be a traditional Pokemon story as Pat said. Not really enough details, but the name alone makes it seem kind of silly, and then there is the whole question as to how they will pull this off as a live action movie. I'll keep an open mind about it though.
I think this could be very interesting; almost something like Who Framed Roger Rabbit but with Pokemon. But this could also be something really lame, like most other live-action/animation hybrids. We'll see, I guess. And yes, Danny DeVito better voice Pikachu.
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I think this could be very interesting; almost something like Who Framed Roger Rabbit but with Pokemon. But this could also be something really lame, like most other live-action/animation hybrids. We'll see, I guess. And yes, Danny DeVito better voice Pikachu.

That, is what will curious me. As if they can handle it right; they can do as good of a job as they did with Rodger Rabbit..

and I really can't get that out of my head now of Danny DeVito and Pikachu..
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I can't believe this is real.

Detective Pikachu had one downloadable game in Japan. I mean, if you check it out, you'll see they did motion-capture and a lot of moviemaking to create the game. But, such a weird pick.
Its the high risk high reward choice. If they did the basic pokemon storyline film (young trainer finds pokemon trains it becomes a champion is extremely clique) and I'm really glad that Max Landis is no longer involved thank god.
Its the high risk high reward choice. If they did the basic pokemon storyline film (young trainer finds pokemon trains it becomes a champion is extremely clique) and I'm really glad that Max Landis is no longer involved thank god.

Wasn't that Max Landis rumor just speculation?

I am very interested to see who is writing and directing the Detective Pikachu film as I wouldn't be surprised that we get word of who is directing it soon.
Wasn't that Max Landis rumor just speculation?

I am very interested to see who is writing and directing the Detective Pikachu film as I wouldn't be surprised that we get word of who is directing it soon.

Nope he was orginally involved. He essentially wanted to do a rocky style film with pokemon but in my opinion that is really clique but here is his confirmation he previously was involved.

I swear we're getting Punk'd here.

Personally curious to know why you are thinking of that.

Thinking about it more starting off with Detective Pikachu rather than a basic Pokemon film.

If you seen the game inaction, it gives off a very cinematic approach, opening the door to the world that the film is set in with some possibilities for future sequels. It also gives one of the most popular Pokemon, Pikachu; a leading role (as unlike typical Pikachu's, this one can talk).

Combined with The Pokemon Company being very careful with who they work with, it would make sense that the Pokemon featured would be close with the games in a sense. It would also give quality control too; so that helps to boot.

Legendary have shown great work, and I am very interested to see what happens as Universal and Toho distributes the film.
This feels like the Lego Movie franchise in a way. They'll be a bunch of core movies and a bunch of spinoffs. In this case, I'm thinking Legendary is starting with a spinoff.
Even better news is Toho and Universal are both distributing. Toho has a great partnership with Universal along with Legendary which means....Ancillary rights most likely can be acquired (theme park/merchandise)