(I'm quoting this from
Hollywood Studios Overhaul | Page 85 | Orlando United Forums because I see this easily drifting the conversation.)
They certainly have the wall space for it in the Town Center. I don't see them doing something on the scale of the Osborne Lights because I don't think Disney Springs could handle the crowds and I doubt Disney can figure out a way to charge money for it, but I very easily imagine them plussing the decorations in the Marketplace, adding a bunch to the Landing (because I don't really remember that they had much last year), and then particularly emphasizing light displays in the Town Center. I think the trick is to do something that drives attendance, particularly in the slower parts of November and December, but not doing something so elaborate that paralyzes Disney Springs. I hope they make a good effort, because I think the Town Center could be GORGEOUS with the right Christmas lights.
This also just reminded me, I also hope they bring back Festival of the Masters this year, Disney Springs would now be an even better venue for it than it has in the past.