Didn't USJ have a Wicked-themed-land at one point? I think it was where Potter is now.
I think Oz in theme parks is a curious one, because there are just a wealth of things that either were never built, or never lasted. The only Oz-themed thing that really has lasted was "The Great Movie Ride".
The brand is arguably popular as hell, and it's public domain which is mind-blowing to me even to this day. Literally ANYBODY can make their own intrepretation of Oz as long as it doesn't trend on the grounds of the films. Granted, the Oz things that didn't work out are pretty obvious to why they don't exist anymore, and most people are attached to the 1939 film to the point of many being bullish about even trying to do their own intrepretation. (one of the reasons why I dislike "Wicked" was its cloying, dumb and overtly obnoxious 'tributes' to the '39 film without actually being related in the second act just to elicit a cheap laugh)
I'm still shocked that Eisner didn't try to eke out more with the Oz rights and build upon the GMR segment, even if their own Oz sequel was a failure. (which makes it even MORE surprising since Return to Oz was one of the last films greenlit by Ron Miller) But it goes even MORE insane as MGM, furious with the way Disney used their name, builds the theme park in Vegas, but instead of making it based on Oz (which they could do, as the rights for the Oz scenes were only for that specific ride and every scene cost money, which is why there's only two scenes instead of the originally intended four), they take the Oz theme and apply it to the casino. The CASINO. The theme park had literally zero Oz at all.
Needless to say, MGM probably wasn't thinking that fully through, as the park was so haphazard as well, but now we're really getting off-topic.