After three days have passed since this dreaded announcement, I've reached the point of acceptance. this still isn't my first choice….but let's look at the bright side of things here:
The main reason why I hate this is mainly for the loss of a horror theme and a great exterior that blends well with BVS. To be honest, while it is a fun ride, it is the weakest E-ticket at the resort. Not to mention ours is the crappy version of Florida's. Like the article mentioned that peasoupprincess linked, the top dogs of Imagineering are involved in this. I'm sure they'll find a way to make the exterior work better than concept art (Hopefully). They understand the criticism. They'll do their best. This is supposed to be in the new Marvel themed area after all.
The queue line looks really cool. It looks like we'll see some nice AAs in there. We'll also probably get a pre show on-par, if not better, than Tokyo's ToT. This may end up having a queue line almost, if not as good, as USH's FJ. I know it's a quick turnaround, but I think there is going to be some really nice theming in here. I doubt they're going to half-heartedly do this.
Now let's talk about the ride itself. Remember the sets/screen style Disney used for Shanghai's Pirates? I think this ride will be the first to use this tech in the U.S. I'm imagining doors to the gantry lift opening and the projection distorts with the elevator motion. Since they're screens, they can have different scenes/on-screen action with the characters differentiate. They'll probably seal up the doors at the top of the structure to maintain the illusion of being in a space station. So no more view of DLR. Maybe we'll also see some props or digital mapping scenes while falling?
Oh, and did we forget that this will be the first new full-blown ride in five years? I'm speaking to myself here as well but I find it ironic that we're complaining Disney has barely added anything for so long while Universal adds rides like crazy. Disney decides to change up a ride for a new theme and we go ballistic. I know this concept sounds ridiculous, but I think we should have a little faith. Whether or not this was Imagineering's first choice, they're going to make dang sure this is a worthy replacement of Tower of Terror. Look what they did to Malestrom/Frozen. Although it didn't receive nearly as much pushback, it was heavily criticized and it turned out to be better than Kong!

I think all of the people who supported this from the start are going to laugh when all of the haters end up thinking this is one of the best rides Disney has ever done. When Iger demands changes to an old ride, so far he has not disappointed. Watch this be better than SLoP. Watch.
Gee, after going through all of the positives of this new ride, it doesn't sound like it'll be that bad. It actually sounds like a nice change from being the sucky ToT. It's something different, something new, and it gives incentive to visit both WDW and DLR now.
Although I feel bad for Joe as an Imagin-ear (Hehehe). He gets stuck with Avatar for nearly a decade and now he's stuck with one of the most ill-received projects ever. Poor guy. I think he'll redeem himself once this opens up. 8