well for starters they dropped all fast-food sponsors they added habit heroes an exhibit about living healthy and they shrunk the portion sizes to almost kid meals size also they had that thing where the soda cups are all small now and i think the club cool is gone now right and and don't forget that thing they did where if you wanted fries you had to ask or you would get carrots instead o and they cut both the double burgers and the mac and cheese burger from their menu
I think Disney realized they don't need McDonald's to get people to eat there or their contract was up and they couldn't negotiate a rate they liked.
I thought innovations was more about the sponsors and what they wanted to do more than Disney and what Disney wanted to do. Like I didn't think they decided they want a healthy living show and then looked for sponsors. I thought it was more looking for sponsors and then coming up with the concept?
I haven't noticed any portion size changes in kids meals or adult meals. In fact the new Mexican type place in MK has huge portions. Now I will admit I didn't get a ton of kids meals, but the sides are all the same. My daughter never finishes a kid's meal if we get her one. We always leave with grapes or something else that she might be able to eat later and throw out other parts.
Who knows why Club cool ended if it did end (last time I went by it was still there) but it may have been sponsorship issue more than trying to be healthy.
The ask for fries has been around for years now. This is more a product of what parents want. More and more parents are looking for healthier options for their kids and they don't want their kids having fries. So since the trend is to not do fries (look at McDonalds as another example of trend changes and their new healthier sides) they don't do fries as the main side. Every parent I know would pick the grapes, carrots, and cookies over the fries. My daughter doesn't even like fries unless ketchup is around and it is mainly a system to deliver ketchup to her mouth. Even then sometimes she doesn't touch them.
When they cut food it has to do with food cost and popularity of items. I used to own a food based business. When something is not as popular and you have limited room on your menu, you cut the unpopular items and replace them with new items that could potentially be popular.
If Disney was looking to be more healthy, they would honestly offer some better healthier places to eat. Put in more places like a Season's 52 instead of so many all you can eat type places they have today. They would offer less burger places and more unique healthier offerings like what Garden Grill counter service has. Disney is not a place I go to eat if I am looking to eat healthy.