Yeah, they will definitely need more after these expansions. And the parks will be four or five years older by then, so who knows what present attractions will be out of date or in such bad shape they need replaced by then. As so many have said, WDW waited soooo long to do meaningful expansions and replacements they're so far behind the eight ball that once they think they caught up, by the time stuff is completed, they'll be behind again. It's a vicious cycle really hard to get out of, once it's started. I kind of agree with Rhino, that they will take a siesta after all the money is spent. Recent history points in that direction. And that will truly be a bad decision if that's the course they take. When they built such a "gigantic" resort of 6 parks, tens of thousands of hotel rooms, a huge shopping mall, etc., expensive road & infrastructure network, they put themselves in the position of having to spend a ton of money on continual capital investment, expansion, renewal. And if you go on the cheap for a few years, or a decade or so, then it all catches up.