Driving in Orlando is like reading directions from IKEA. You will do everything right but something will go wrong.
TOURIST - They don't know where they are going or they do and do improper lane changes, u turns, signals, and everything else of the sort. No big deal, just make sure to have a tone of patience dealing with them because they mean no harm. I actually enjoy helping them when they are lost.
Most people not from here follow the GPS and use main roads. So If you can avoid roads that start with "S.R." (Which means State Road, or in other words, BUSY AF) IF you can, use the roads and not the highway, depending on your time of day and or eagerness to arrive at your destination.
WEATHER -Downpour can occur at any moment and clog roads because people tend to drive slower in the baby hurricanes we receive daily sometime. If not the rain, the bright sun beaming will make it difficult to see clearly and drive fast as you want. So take your time slow down, and just be ready for rain at any point.
CONSTRUCTION - Orange Cones EVERYWHERE. Lane line changes, roads closed at night late or early AM sometime, and or simple fact that so much is under construction, it's crowded on some roads, some days anyway. So just if you run into construction take your time.
Just be patient, always be aware the car in front of you may not see you, we drive fast in Orlando (Most Locals) and won't wait for you to figure out which lane you want to be in. If you're going to go th speed limit or slower, stay out of the left lane which is referred to and commonly used as "The Fast Lane". If not people will be aggressive and drive on your bumper, honk at you, or go around you abruptly. Doesn't always happen but just be aware.
As far as car rentals go, if you're flying in make sure you have transit to the hotel you are staying. MOST have rental car agencies on property, the nicer hotels anyway. So check with your resort for certainty. Not sure what your definition of deluxe hotel is for Orlando.
Hope that helps.