Square Enix has announced that they will be doing a special E3 Showcase at 10 AM PT on the Monday.
With E3 near, I'll post some early predictions:
- Halo 6 announcement
- Fable 4 announcement
- Forza Horizon 3 location/gameplay
- Crackdown 3 Release Date
- Ubisoft, EA, and two other parties show off third party titles
- Indie's get a special exclusive title with similar exclusivity rights like Cuphead
- Gameplay for The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding
- Dreams release date
- Rocksteady showcases their new project
- GT7 announced
- Third Party gets large presence
- Super Smash Bros reveals Crash Bandicoot and Ribbon Girl from Arms, with them playable on Showfloor. Also seen in trailer, Odyssey Mario/Peach (new move set for Peach and Mario respectly), BoTW Link/Zelda (Zelda gets sword and Link gets bow),
- Metroid Prime 4 gets Release Window of 2019 and first gameplay (with more to be saved for Treehouse)
- Pokemon Crimson and Lapis is announced, November release date and gameplay to be saved for Treehouse, not Gen 8 but rebuilt version of Gen 1 with new pokemon and UltraSun/Moon graphics
- Fire Emblem Switch announced, gameplay to be saved for Treehouse and with more details to be revealed later
- Surprise announcement (NEW IP) from Retro or Platinum Games
- Bayonetta 3 trailer released (No gamplay), with timeline being 2019
- Fortnite revealed, with STW and BR in fall 2018
- Two other surprise third party announcements