I know this is a popular school of thought, but I don't really agree. If by "slaughtered," you mean "needlessly replaced attractions that didn't need replacing," then yes, absolutely.
However, the replacement attractions for Imagination, World of Motion, and - eventually - Horizons all still fit the theme of Future World. We can argue about the overall quality of those attractions in terms of their execution, but nobody has to do convoluted mental gymnastics to make rides about space flight, automobiles, and imagination fit in with what Epcot is/was supposed to be.
The real thematic compromises began in a modest way with Nemo and Gran Fiesta Tour (the fundamental attractions are still about what their home pavilions purport to be about), accelerated with Frozen (only a vague connection to its home pavilion), and are poised to fully break the mission of the park with Guardians.