Certainly they are going to push multi-day tickets as they publicly state they see this are making the resort a full vacation visit. Not sure what UK visitors get, but they seem to use a 14 day ticket (no clue if that is all UNI nor if it includes VB as well as both dry).
I assume that will make one day Epic tickets cost a lot, they want it to be a bargain to stay more/play more. I could see Epic being priced higher than the other dry parks (at least at first).
For AP's (just spit balling) I could see them offering a three dry park for anyone that has a two dry park ticket (just like VB, one needs the two original dry parks before adding a third park) -- to me, this would allow them to allow current AP's to upgrade while keeping to old pass sperate. No clue how they would handle something like Express after four, but VB has an express that is NOT included in the Priemer pass, so I assume it could be only a perk for the original dry parks. Anyone, I just do not see them leaving AP's out. If there will be previews, I could see them opening them just for APers who upgrade, may have the AP blocked for summer (first year of VB blocked passes all summer from VB). I think the AP crowed could be good for getting reviews out there as well as help for a smoother opening be practicing on some of your loyal customers.