Oh I agree, I've said in the past Universal Creative has matched Imagineering in design and quality of new experiences... every other aspect of the resort experience (dining, entertainment, etc.) is beaten by Disney by a wide margin.
That's why I've been advocating for more well-rounded experiences for the entire family the past few years now, and that Epic alone isn't enough to guarantee a "MASSIVE BLOW" to Disney as every YouTube headline states lol (I know most of it is exaggeration to grab people's attention... but there are a few that are taking it way too seriously).
I can't agree with you more on this. I personally believe their lack of transparency regarding annual passes (when they will be available, etc.) is a tad disheartening as a Universal fan. It it very reminiscent of SWGE's DL opening of blocking out APs in favor of an excel spreadsheet that believes that all those APs will purchase a premium priced 1-day ticket (at least Disney gave out a blockout calendar and date as to when the undesirables can return).
Feel free to disagree, but I've always believed the best approach would have been to clearly state that APs will not be allowed May-July, and to stay tuned to potential AP sales in early Fall with an temporary AP reservation system to prevent overcrowding on those first few days APs are active (or AP access after x PM for certain tiers, etc.). I would have also sold 1-day tickets first for everybody, with a "so good to be true" 3-park ticket deal that included all the dry parks at a great price point.
I hope my statement above ends up false. Just a tad annoyed at their approach to this. I suckered up to a 1-day ticket for opening day, but as avid as a fan I am, I don't intend to go again until I am allowed to upgrade my AP. I live only 7 minutes away from Epic, so Universal is missing out on all that sweet f&B spend I end up giving to the mouse.