The most tone-deaf and scary part of all of this is that the decision to remove 3D from the ride was made in some ridiculous last-minute attempt to "fix" the issue of having too many 3D attractions in a row. The ride was designed for 3D and they removed it without making any other changes to compensate for it all because they wanted to pretend the ride was something different than it is on the park map by not having to put the 3D glasses logo next to it. Meanwhile, there are portions of the ride film that are clearly SUPPOSED to be viewed in 3D which end up looking even worse in 2D. How were so many poor decisions made in a row here?
Executive#1: "People are sick of 3D rides so let's build a clone of a 3D ride that no one likes but... wait for it... we'll just turn off the 3D effects!"
Executive #2: "Great idea!!!! People aren't sick of screens, they are just sick of putting on glasses... right?"
Executive #3: "Can we also make sure the musion scene is left unchanged? People really thought it was terrible and corny to begin with so I'd like to keep that as-is, please. Just make sure to overdub the audio so it doesn't match the lips on the FBI agent. We want this to be as low-rent as possible.
Universal Creative: You got it! It will take us over 2 years to build this masterpiece and it will take up acres of valuable land. We'll also build the largest queue ever conceived but then also add a virtual queue because reasons.