I recall when I speculated, a couple of times, whether Tomfoolery was a high level employee, possibly purposely releasing info (that always' ended up correct to a T), that Tomfoolery ended up posting 'likes' to my comments. That was also when we were getting posts from fairly new posters about the existence and effect of efficiency committees, possible executive infighting etc. That stuff exists in almost all big corporations so it's probably at both Universal and WDW. So, yes, that stuff has recently disappeared. I was thinking about that the other day, but I'm not completely convinced that these leaks weren't intentional, and put out there like the previous 'lagoon show' info, where they didn't want the stuff released 'officially', but wanted the word out to refute other rumors (Great Britain vs. Aventura). And those Tomfoolery comments were numerous and went on for a long time after the initial UK corrections.. And, Alicia always has a trove of info like Teebin used to, ......I always recall that Disney used to have planted posters on social media and actually admitted to it after a period of time. .....The leak crackdowns, if that's what they are, work for a short term.....but sooner or later, the info will flow again

.....and yes, on topic, love the Godzilla idea too. It's a great idea, cause like the Knight Bus idea, it should be able to be done in a budget conscious way. Reign of Kong was good when everything worked. The present ride system could work with a better done presentation and film that fits the IP better than F&F. .