I could definitely see them reworking the queues - but apparently even the lockers overhaul isn't on the books per rumors.
As for the ride itself, it's covered in vomit. They could spend a month pressure washing every inch of the ride path and it still would have dried up pools of puke in some hidden places.
The TMs don't wear their shoes home because of just how often the building is puked in, nevermind the ride path itself.
And it'd be one thing if someone threw up and they went in and cleaned it up - problem is that unless they know exactly where and it's obvious there's not any sort of regular puke patrol. You'd be surprised at how often people will puke all over the place and then just walk away.
So scrubbing puke off set pieces could be a goal of this short closure.
As for the other show pieces - things that don't work are on the programming end, not the physical end when it comes to issues. The womping willow physically works fine - was just the other day - but it drops data and when that happens the failsafes shut it down.
I'm sure there's some technical bits that aren't obvious, heck maybe they'll fix the elevator to the wheelchair loading area that breaks down constantly, but I really hope this downtime fixes some of the guest facing issues that makes the castle a less awesome experience than it can be.