Things I want to see happen in UO:
-Replace Shrek
-Demolish Kidzone completely and replace it with something new. This includes animal actors.
-Demolish Fear Factor and give us another ride
-Replace E.T. and have it connect with whatever replaces kidzone. Unpopular opinion: I know.
-Update the queue for Revenge of the Mummy and update the ride effects.
-Demolish Garden of Allah Villas and replace it with a new show. Not sure if there’s space for it.
-Update the facade for Horror Make Up Show. It’s so bland and uninspired that hardly anybody knows it exists.
-Demolish Mels Drive in and replace it with something more relevant than American Graffiti.
-JP River Adventure updated to World. Convert the rest of the land to World as well.
-Update Toon Lagoon with more relevant IPs.
-Demolish Toon Theater and replace it with a family dark ride. Water related if possible.
-Update the Cat in the Hat. The ride needs an overhaul.
-Add a Grinch themed dark ride to Seuss Landing.
-Completely demolish every single thing in Lost Continent. Add a new land. Anything.
Please respect my opinions if they differ from yours. Thanks