I think this was a pretty good refurbishment, we may have hyped this up a little too much on our part in all honesty, but then again, I guess that's what we do.
The original story line of the ride was perfect and immersive. Things go wrongs and they evacuate you through the water pumping station. I thought we were really just going to get that again but with Indominus and Blue joining the final battle. I kind of don't like the idea of going through the T-Rex paddock at the end because it doesn't really make sense to me, maybe I'm thinking too much into it, but like I said, the original story was perfect IMO.
Few criticisms and fixes that haven't been mentioned:
All the TV screens, Really lazy and weird IMO. Their placement just seems weird and unnecessary? This ride is way more character focused than the original. Kind of ironic since the characters of JP are way more iconic and likable than the JW characters. I feel like just their voices over the intercom with a panicked tone would be much more immersive. Have the rider focus on some sort of action or AA in the predator cove ( like the original). Same thing goes for the entry to the T-Rex kingdom. There are like 10 TV's (some of them are just black, maybe they're just a backup?) with Owen and one raptor. Scrap the TV's and keep the 3 raptors but give them Echo, Charlie and Delta reskins. Add some banter of Owen giving commands over the intercom and you have a much better scene IMO.
Final showroom looks great, the Blue AA is amazing as well as the Indo Rex. The timing is off though. It's missing that buildup the original has. If you watch the video the rex comes out 5-6 seconds before the drop, and then just kinda moves around. I feel like the Rex roar and drop need to happen simultaneously. This is an easy fix and would make the ride way better. In all honesty I feel like this scene might be delaying the actual opening because they want it fixed.
Maybe I'm just nitpicking, and I know the budget was probably limited, but I could have been used better or increased.