I don't just want the Shrieking Shack. I also want a full Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, and the only thing that happened there was that Harry made Cho cry.
If you Google "places in Hogsmeade" and compare that to the shops and store fronts of Hogsmeade, they're pretty much all represented at least as a storefront: Honeydukes. Hog's Head Pub. Dervish and Banges. Owl post. The Three Broomsticks. Gladrags Wizardwear. Zonko's Joke Shop. Dominic Maestro's Music Shop, Spintwitches Sporting Needs, and Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop (as a storefront). Check, check, check, and check. What's missing? The Shrieking Shack.
Yes, the creatures that inhabit the Forbidden Forest may provide sufficient theming in and of themselves. But why would you prefer nothing but rocks to an iconic building that is an integral part of the Hogsmeade landscape? At worst, I could see a "Meh, it would be cool to have a forced perspective Shrieking Shack in the distance but I can do without it," but all this vociferous outrage in defense of structures representing "interiors of the forest"? What's next, a proposal to insert a generic Tower Hamlets highrise landscape in place of the Ministry of Magic? After all, the MoM is just a sterile administrative office full of meddlesome bureaucrats, right?