Went today. Understaffed MK slammed in general, but HoP had a switchback running the length of the colonial storefronts. Unfortunately it wasn't well marked, people kept entering from all over. If crowds keep up, going to have to turn that courtyard into switchbacks (taking away one of the few seating areas left in MK but I digress).
Even with a full outside line, my show went off with easily 4 or 5 dozen empty seats, entire half rows. The staff at HoP simply doesn't know how to handle a popular, full-capacity attraction.
Added "reverent" to the description of the show and a dedication to Walt, I think, but otherwise no additional admonishments not to disrupt the show since Obama.
The new film is ... blah. Back to being an abridged version of US history, but much like Spaceship Earth, one required to tell its story using the set pieces from the last storyline. Most notable change is the scrubbing of Andrew Jackson. Otherwise, concentrates on same presidents, just from more of a SJW point-of-view. Realize I'm skirting a line here, so let me just say I preferred the focus on the role of the President in society rather than the President as a reflection of society. Plus Morgan Freeman >>> unidentified woman (possibly from Scandal or one of those ABC shows I don't watch?).
Onto the finale ... other than the extra long tie--which is accurate--the Trumpbot looks fine in context. Sure it looks odd in extreme close-ups, but so would any of the other figures. From a distance, it's pretty seamless. It's as much Trump as the Madisonbot is Madison--not like any of the presidents are Johnny Depp quality. Speech was meaningless platitudes, like the last three have been.
One guy behind me kind of groaned when they introduced Trump, but muted reaction overall. Crowd did clap at the end.
I still think the opening of American Adventure should've been the final nail in HoP's coffin. The finale remains what it is, the bulk of the attraction is a boring film. This will be back the air conditioned nap-a-torium by next Summer I'm sure. A tempest in a teapot.